The day is upon us once more

Feb 13, 2006 19:06

There are some that call it "Black (Insert Day of the Week Here)."

Others call it "Single Awareness Day."

It's a little holiday we call the Feast of St. Valentine or just plain Valentine's Day. It's a day of roses and candy and the mushiest cards allowed by law. It's the one day a year that men turn into putty, scared to death that they will make some terrible error that will land them in the doghouse for the next month. It's a sad, sad day for the state of relationships across these United States.

This year is the second instance where I have a boyfriend for this "sacred" occasion. Both of which have happened in the last 3 years. The other was Jeff and that was a disaster. So I learned to adapt and learned to find love in all the right places. In high school, it was always my friends. Ray Ray brought me flowers "from Josh" my Junior year. Other than that, it was always my girlies that made the day so great. Last year, my roommies and Sarah were my Valentines. Love like that is forever even if men come and go.

But I get it. I really do. I watch the commercials for Shane Company and Hallmark. I walk through Kroger after New Year's. I hear the beautiful people bragging about the romance that Joe Flavor-Of-The-Month created so he could get some this holiday. The media screams from every angle: YOU MUST HAVE SOMEONE SPECIAL TO COUNT TODAY! It's enough to make all the girls out there scream because: A) They're alone or B) Their boyfriends are clueless. It's not real. None of it is real. Real romance comes the other 364 days a year without having to bribe/threaten your man into it.

I understand that my opinion here is going to be disputed or downright ignored because I have a special someone in my life. Truth is, it doesn't take an artifical holiday to make him love me. I'm not expecting dozens of roses or candy or any crap like that. I don't want or need it. Another truth is that I paid my dues with all the V Day hullaballoo. I was there more than I have been here. 2 out of 21 years.

Tomorrow will not be a huge day of romance for me. I have class all day long and my better half is in another town. He may come up but it's not that big of a deal to me. He bought me flowers last week from a homeless guy when he came up to take me to TEP.

Yeah. Valentine's Day. Yipee.
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