Ahhh, the carefree days

May 05, 2004 08:10

I miss how excited I used to get when my parents would go out of town, but now that I am paying rent to them, and doing whatever I want... it seems to have lost its spark.
I feel like such a dousche for continuing to live with my parents when I am about to turn 19. Lame. But what can you do.... its more convenient that way since I have to work for my mother anyway.

But back to my subject.

I remember not being able to get to sleep the night before my parents left because there were so many things I could do while they were gone that would normally be off limits. Unfortunately, now I have more responsibilities. I have to make sure my little brother doesnt throw parties like I used to do. I have to cook and clean and get groceries, plus run my mom's business. Eh, I run her business even when she IS in town.

Im turning into my mother. I'm looking around the house in disgust. It is sooooo messy! Who leaves a box of hot-pockets out ALL night? Gross.

Patrick is at school now.... but his friend that he had over last night is still here... That is really strange. I dont want to go to the office in Tacoma with some kid still over here.


...im going insane
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