Apr 26, 2004 17:34
Survey from billie's journal about where I stand on things... read if ya want.
Abortion?: Oooh, my favorite. I think that everyone makes mistakes (even though another life is a HUGE one), so women should be able to have ONE abortion, but they would have to go to classes afterward. Classes on safe sex, and becoming a responsible adult. After their first abortion, no more would be allowed. If they wanted another there would be a fine or something. I dunno, thats in MY perfect world... there should also be a license to breed.
Death Penalty?: I'm on both sides of this one. Some people deserve to die for what they did (like serial killers) plus, tax-payer's money should not have to pay for someone to spend their life in jail; however, death is such a serious consequence. I am glad I'm not in charge of decisions like that.
Prostitution?: If someone wants to do it, fine... But it should remain an independant way of earning money, lol... no w2's for the whores. I dont think their health care should be taken care of by the state either, if they wanna do that for a living, then they need to understand the consequences of such action, and so what if their "clients" get infected with some nasty disease, they shouldnt be fucking a whore without a condom if they dont want one. Let skanks be skanks.
Alcohol?: The laws should remain as they are
Marijuana?: should be legal for those 21 and over, just like alcohol. It has no horrible permanent affects. In fact, it is less dangerous than alcohol.
Other drugs?: I dont know how I feel about deadly drugs, but I guess if people want to be stupid, let 'em.
Gay marriage?: It's rediculous how much of a hot topic this is, everyone should be able to have the same rights. If the word marriage is too religious or sacred, they should eliminate that term and just have unions for every person, gay or straight. That way if people want to get "married", they can go to their church and it would be purely an additional religious joining, but the rights would be the same either way.
Illegal immigrants?: Becoming a legal immigrant is very difficult in the country if you do not have a really solid job transfer, so the restrictions should be a little less harsh, that way there wouldn't be so many people sneaking over here. There are a lot of people out there that deserve to have the opertunity to live somewhere with more oportunities.
Smoking?: Let people kill themselves if they want to. I quit... I isnt as hard as everyone makes it out to be. It depends on how strong willed you are, weak willed people have more difficulty quitting, but they shouldnt have started in the first place then.
Drunk driving?: Horrible horrible horrible. I have two friends that died this way... One was killed BY a drunk driver, and one Was a drunk driver. I think there should be harsher laws for those who get caught driving drunk. They should get charged with attempted murder, because thats basically what it is.
Cloning?: Probably not
Racism?: People are entitled to think how they want no matter how disgusting or horrible it is. However, when they act on those thoughts... thats where the law should step in.
Premarital sex?: go ahead
Religion?: go ahead... its great when people have a belief, I just dont want it pressed on me. There should be a more defined seperation between church and state, though.
The war in Iraq?: We need to get out of there... I think we all agree that sadaam is a horrible man, but it wasnt our business, and we have no proof of weapons of mass destruction too, so our whole purpose over there was bogus.
Bush?: not a fan. we'll leave it at that
Downloading music?: so what?
The legal drinking age?: Americans are to stupid to have a lower drinking age. Even 21 seems to young for some of us idiots.
Porn?: no problem
Suicide?: go ahead if you want to... I have no sympathy for you guys though... My friend killed himself a while ago, but my opinion hasnt changed.