Dec 13, 2007 19:57
So I reads an interesting book today! It's called Plague Year! It's by....oh karp...I forgot...and I already returned it, too!
The main character DAVID sort of tells the story from the sidelines. A guy named Bran starts going to his school and the other kids don't like him 'cuz he's weird. They calls him names like "faggot" or "Fruitful". They also beats him up. Poor guy. Then David's best friend in the whole wide world, Molly, decides to befriend Bran, so he gets sucked into helping him out from time to time. Then it turns out that Bran has a SECRET! I won't spoil you with details, but then the entire town turns on him! He gets beat up lots more and people wreck his house and stuff. David learns that by doing nothing he's part of the problem and such.
I was on the last six or so pages and was like
OH TEH HORRIBLE NOES DID SOMEONE JUST DIE?!?! Only I couldn't find out because I kept getting interrupted when I tried reading that part! It was JESSICA PUT THAT BOOK AWAY AND DRAW THE AUDITORIUM >:[ or JESSICA PUT THAT BOOK AWAY AND WRITE ABOUT TEH PRESIDENT >:[
I wait until seventh period and Amber is being Amber and I says
AMBER GO AWAY I'M GOING TO FIND OUT IF THIS PERSON DIES AND THEN I'M GOING TO READ THE LAST SIX PAGES OF THIS BOOK >:[ I read it, and he didn't die, but another person or other people do/es. It was so cool. I thought it was just going to be another book about school violence, but it was purdy neat!