Jun 24, 2010 20:17
It's official. I have World Cup fever. Except, I suck at the sport. REALLY SUCK. I hate all the running involved (I prefer sprinting vs. endurance), and I never could kick the ball where I wanted to in gym class. But somehow every four years I find myself plunked in front of the TV cheering for Deustschland as they try to win the tournament. Maybe it's because of the family rivalry? (The brother likes to cheer for Portugal, so it's nice to start "friendly" rivalries with him). Really looking forward to seeing their match on Sunday against England (and hopefully getting the chance to rub it in D's face at work on Tuesday too :P).
In other news, there is nothing exciting happening right now. It's more of a transition period as I start to get excited for up-and-coming plans. With a potential Toronto trip in July, kidnapping a certain someone in August/early September as often as I can, and the big trip to the J-pan in December, I just wish this month would hurry up and end already :P