Feb 21, 2008 16:31
So I decided to ditch my last 2 classes of the afternoon. They are complete blow off classes and I'm not missing a damn thing, that's for sure. So I decide to you that time as "me time" instead. I drive to Borders to buy the latest Economist and U.S. & Global News magazines. I then head to my favorite Starbucks in town, it has a fireplace in the middle and two great bar areas, which are laptop friendly. However, the Starbucks is located directly across the street from Vanderbilt University and their Hospitals. So basically it's across from one of Vanderbilt's busiest campus locations. Translation --> my favorite Starbucks is constantly filled to the brim with students discussing philosophy, working with their class groups, etc. I thought it was relatively early enough in the day (2PM) that it wouldn't be so bad. Wrong. Parking was next to impossible and I nearly gave up then, but when I did a second loop around I caught someone pulling out. So I choose to take it as a sign and head inside. As soon as I walk through the door my ears begin ringing due to the about of chatter and noise. The line at the register is at least 12 people long and there are hardly any seats. I choose to leave right then. There was no way I'd be able to enjoy my time in there.
So I head to a cafe in town that I hadn't been to in a good...year almost? They changes their brand of tea since I had been there last, I was a little disappointed with that. The had one named "Paris" and I almost chose that one right off the bat. However, I decided to ask the guy serving me if he had tried any of them before. I said yes and picked up the pick tea bag and said it had green tea, ginseng, coconut, etc. As soon as I heard the mixture I released a relatively loud "Oooh" before I could retain myself. I didn't think it was a big deal, considering many people have the same reactions to things every day. The guy's co-worker decided to make a thing out of it though. The guy went to make my tea and his co-worker was making a cappuccino and starting going "oooh". Well, here's how it went:
Co-worker: "oooh!"
Guy: What?
Co-worker: ooooh! you know. ooooh...what she did
Guy: yeah
Co-worker: That was a pretty loud ohhhh
While they're having this conversation, talking loudly over the cappuccino maker may i add, I'm standing a foot away from them. Seriously,did they think I can't hear them? I was a little surprised by this. I didn't think it was that big of a deal and I hardly noticed really. Apparently the co-worker got off on it and only has one thing on his mine. Whatever. Lets just say I couldn't help but be annoyed by them for quite some time after that. After choosing my place to sit in the cafe I wished to myself that I would have actually said, "I'm standing right here. Do you think I can't hear you?" Just to have done a little something to put them in their place. Anyways, I know it's not all that big of a deal. I was just one of those little things that really bother you for longer than they should. ::deep breath:: OK, moving on :)
I do have another thing that bothered me last night. OK. So I posted a pretty personal blog the other day on my myspace. It was personal without going into detail about anything. it was like posting a piece of my soul. Jess is subscriber to my blog. The day after I posted it I noticed that he removed himself from being one of my readers. As soon as i saw I felt my heart tighten and curl up into my stomach. Why did it have that effect on me? I don't know. But maybe it;s because i took it personally. What was it in my blog that made him not want to ever read another one of them again. Hurt turned fast to anger. That man is so God damn complicated and confusing that it just gets under my skin. For instance, last week (Feb 11 to be exact) he wrote me a message on myspace asking me how I was doing and what was new with me. I then replied and asked about him and still have not heard anything back. I know that he read it, because it says so. Whatever. I woke up this morning and deleted his number from my phone. Why bother, you know?
OK well I think I'm going to leave this cafe now and head back home to make some dinner and PEE! OoOoooh I have to pee so badly now, but I don't want to go here because I don't want to leave my laptop. And if I take it with me then I mine as well leave anyways. Why am I writing what I'm thinking word for word. That's annoying, I'm sorry. I really don't care much for the music here at Villa Place Cafe. That's why I was looking forward to Starbucks. Their music is mellow and soft to i could read my newly purchased Economist as I drank my tea. That's really not much of an option here. OK OK I'm off.
I'm not going home for the weekend anymore. Hence my currently sitting in the cafe. I'll write about that tomorrow.