to feel the rain again.

Apr 22, 2010 16:56

So, when I posted my edits of Yumedust's eyes, it was brought to my attention that perhaps what the eyes really needed was to be edited MORE. This is a blend of my edits of Yumedust's eyes with Nilou's edits of Bosie's eyes, and I think they are quite perfect. I also made smaller catchlights that turned out to be quite cute.


(gillian is wearing lilac, and harris is wearing mud.)


(konrad is wearing silver, and chiara is wearing fresh.)


(halley is wearing crisp, and amirah is wearing ember.)

Unedited preview:


For those of you who are interested, I did a little comparison between these and my original edits. The new set are the top ones, and the previous edit are the bottom ones.

(You can feel free to make these eyes your defaults in the download part below!)

And here are all of the 72 colors. The shades are the same as my previous edit, edited slightly since they are blended with another eye.

(to feel the rain again - custom.)

(to feel the rain again - geneticized & townified.)

And, defaults. As I'm sure you know by now, you can only have one default eye for each color. Click on the icon of your favorite shade to download the default version, and grab one of each color to create a complete set.






(dark blue.)


(light blue.)




(And if these aren't really what you're looking for, my husband posted some of his own eyes over on his LJ. His are way more impressive than mine - mine are just a smashing-together of two already-beautiful eye sets... his were made from a photo he took of his own eye, but are still cartoon-y and fun. He rocks.)

download, sims 2, eyes, sims

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