So yesterday was Nhi's goodbye party. =( As much as I'm sad that she's leaving, I think she should move to Florida more often. Her party was so much fun. When me n Zine got there, we played DDR for a bit, then had pizza downstairs. Then....we danced. And danced. And danced. It was seriously the greatest thing ever. Some kid from Sterling (that was extremely hott) was DJing and we danced to everything. Some people were playing lame card games, but those of us who were dancing had a blast!! Then of course there were the people that have to bring their drama everywhere...but hey, drama doesn't hit the dance floor and those people didn't dance. Find someone else's party to crash. Then I danced with Nhi's dad. rofl. We made him get in the middle of our circle and show us what he can do so he was dancing like a nerd, then started like breakin it down and came and danced with me. rofl. I know who'll get me into clubs. ;)
After the party, I went over to Zine's and we practiced our research presentation and threw in random gangster music here and there. lol.
Which brings me to today...and our research project. We completely bombed it. We did absolutely positively terrible.
- For the introduction, I started talking mid-sentence. It didn't even make sense.
- I changed the slides and the wrong times when Zine was talking.
- I couldn't remember like anything I had to say, so I pretty much read the entire thing off of my note cards.
- Zine forgot the word "calorimeter", which was actually pretty funny.
- Mrs. Hilliard and Mr. Supal asked us like a million questions that we didn't know. I felt like an idiot. We had to pretty much make up BS answers to all of them...then I said the bonds between metal atoms were covalent....because metal bonds obviously aren't metallic.
Then, I'm blowing off steam to Justin and Joanna comes up and is like, "Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get compliments!" Is she allowed to see that? Considering she pulls crap like that every single day. I really wonder what she has against me. After all, she wouldn't talk to me at all during Nhi's party, because it was a formal party and I didn't wear a dress. wtf. Nhi wasn't even mad...and it was her party!
Whatever. I fail at life.
later > Jess