Apr 23, 2006 18:46
I often find it necessary to rofl at myself and my love of revenge. If I find any way to get someone back for something they've done to me, I do it no matter what damage it will cause (if any at all).
One of the first few days in Mexico, Melissa and I were looking at Grand Camen (the city across the water from Cozumel) all lit up at night. I got all romantic with myself and started thinking, "Miles and miles in from those lights is Elias. Maybe he's at home chatting online with his friends or practicing with is band. Maybe he's at the movies or just hanging out."
Then the romance of it ended when the little angel stopped talking and the little devil took over. "Or smoking a joint with his friends picking the next chick he wants to screw. Maybe he's vandalizing public property while on ecstasy or having a wild party at some illegal night club."
I was almost surprised at my own mind. Then, "Well whatever he's doing he's certainly not thinking about you. So what the hell are you doing wasting your time on vacation thinking about his sorry a.ss?" I had to agree. I definently made a good point with that one.
I decided that I was going to have a ton of fun and go crazy all week. I was going to show him! Ohhh ya. I was gonna have the best time ever without even thinking of him one more time! Oh ya. In his face!! The best part is he knows nothing about it. But man was I gonna show him that I don't need to think about him any more. lol.
I love the little devil sittin on my shoulder. I think the angel and the devil have actually become pretty good friends now and work together. They're tricky little ones, oh yes they are. Sometimes I can't even figure out which one's talking.
later > Jess