Jul 04, 2006 00:47
No Sarah, you aren't the only nerd who can't wait for band camp. I'm ecstatic as well ^_^.
So I'm actually using correct punctuation this time. Maybe I just feel like it. :P
Today I just got back from the wonderfully hillbilly place called Gatlinburg, Tennessee. And no, I don't think I spelled Tennessee right, either. That's just what I think it is. Uhhh, anyway. We go there pretty much every other year, and this time I thought we might stay in a cool place up in the hills, or go hiking! But alas! My mother wanted to just walk around ol' Gatlinburg and look at shops. They...are...all...teh same! Air-brushed tees, over-priced jewelry, cheap katanas, you know the stuff. Every last one of them (well...that might be an exaggeration, a little. BUT STILL!) has the same gosh darned thing! But anyway. That pretty much concluded the first day! The second day, we went to this awesome show called "Great China Circus". I was really excited to go see it, I knew it was going to be awesome. Those people spend their whole lives doing those stunts and all the other awesome things they do. I have a lot of really cool pictures, but they're on the other computer, and well, I just do not feel like putting them on here as of right now. Honestly, I should be in bed getting a good night's rest for the PH3ARS0M3 PARADE TOMORROW! But, anyway. They absolutely amazed me! They did just about everything that you wouldn't think of. The 5-8 year old girl contorsionist girls flipped me out the most! They were just so....flexible! It was like every bone in their bodies were double-jointed. Which...probably wasn't far from the truth. WOOT! The next day, we went around the art district in Sevierville. That was awesome! All the shops had a lot of different, artsy stuff, like pottery, handmade jewelry, and paintings. Every one of the shop owners had a dog with them in the store...it was cool. Me and my family went in this really cool store with a lot of really nice paintings. We went up to the "attic", which was where the artist was actually painting at that time. She was really nice, and seemed so happy up there painting away! She does that every day. I imagine it might get a little lonely, but she seemed very calmed and collected by it. It was a really pretty little art room. It had these awesomely tall, old windows. They were beautiful. All the different shop owners were extremely friendly! It was really cool. Probably the most awesome one we went to, was a shop/gallery of this amazing artist named Jim Gray. He did a lot of outdoor scenery in his paintings. They were really beautiful, but I was kind of tired of all the walking around to the different shops, and I saw this room in his gallery that had a couch and a few more paintings. My family was still in the main room looking at all outdoor-ish paintings he'd done, so I walked into the little room. I instantly got this really cool feeling, I don't know what it was. Then I saw this abstract painting right in the middle of the room, it seemed kind of weird for it to be there, it was so different than the other stuff he had painted. At first glance it looked like just a really pretty abstract painting, and then when I walked closer to it I saw Mary holding baby Jesus. I looked at it a lot closer, and in the whole painting there were scenes from the life of Jesus. It was really neat! I hadn't even noticed for awhile that he had a little side note near the canvas about what the painting really was of. yeah. We did a lot of other stuff after all the art district romping, but I'm kind of too tired to update about that. Do you ever feel like you gained at least 10 pounds after vacationing? Yeeeeeah. Uhhh...anyway. Life is good. I hope everybody's having a friggin' awesome summer! G'night.