Apr 01, 2008 16:49
Today Trenton and I cleaned his room. It took HOURS!!! Mostly because I had to use the damn timer to get him to do it. I'd set it for fifteen minutes and tell him what to put away and then when the timer went off I'd set it for ten and that was his break time. Then I'd set it for five minutes and tell him that it was hyper mode and he had to clean as fast as possible and then..another break. I found the timer really helps get him going but who knows if it'll work next time I want him to do it...he likes to keep me on my toes. Xavier passed out on Trenton's bed and between the cool breeze coming in the window and the sound of the dripping water from the snow melting off of the roof I totally wanted to pass out myself. Trenton's room still isn't 100% but he's really proud of it so I'll ignore the stuffed animals shoved under his bed for now. Plus...like I said...cleaning fries my brain. My head feels like it's full of oatmeal or something.
Yesterday I cleaned out the storage area in the coffee table and this cradle that we used to keep Xavier's diaper changing things in...and again...fried noggin. I made a little filing cabinet type thing for all of the paper work that Trenton comes home with. I thought it was pretty cool (for a cardboard box with files in it lol) but Trenton was so not interested. It's fine...it'll keep me sane...ish...
Now I want to zone out and stare at the wall for the rest of the night. I don't want to think about cleaning or organizing anything. My brain was not made for organization.