Jan 16, 2004 17:05
i dont know what I'm going to do when I grow up. I want to be a nomad. I want to just live. Not go to college. I want to go to new york with only a duffle bag and a pocketful o' cash. Then just see where I end up. I wanna be like Marla.
If I had a tumor, I'd named it Marla. Marla ... the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you can't.
I'm going to make a living out of selling clothes to secondhand stores that I steal from the laundromat.
I already told my mother. She doesn't believe me. Neither do I.
But I wish that I could live that life. My mother says I can be anything I want to be. What if I want to be nothing?
I wish I lived in the city. Right now I wouldn't be here if I lived there.
I'm tired of living in front of this computer. There is so much work to do and so much time to do it in, but time is passing me by.
Emily Morton got her permit. She's been 16 for 4 months.
I had no idea she was that old already. I've still been picturing her as the 14 year old that I met 2 years ago. Well, she still looks the same, except a little taller, and a little more self confident.
I'm turning 18 soon. I still feel like I'm 15.
Where did my teen years go? I mean, they're almost over. 18 and 19 will go so quickly and eventually I'll be 20.
Today a boy told me that being 15 was the worst. I just said, Wait till you're my age. You'll want 15 back. And I'm sure that in 10 years I will be wishing I was 17. Well, that's what they tell me I'll think. I highly doubt it. It can only get better from here.
Maybe I'll move to Rhode Island with tiffany and sam. Then when sam graduates from her culinary arts school, I can be a prepcook in the kitchen of her 5 star award winning restaurant. yeah. And I'll sell my art in a gallery and make a few dollars there. That's what I'll use to get my lawyer who will help me sue my mother and my father [separately] for all the emotional distress they put me through as a teen.
I'm supposed to be applying to schools for fashion design. Back when I thought it was cool. It doesn't seem cool anymore. I've seen the people there. I don't like them. I don't like it that my interests don't seem unique anymore. I'm just another one of those girls that wants to make clothes. Yeah whatever.
Maybe I'll be a teacher. An english teacher who doesn't let dumb kids say dumb things. Because I've never had a good english teacher. They're all judgemental thieves. They steal their students' thoughts and give them back all tied up in a neat little bow. No. Let me think my thoughts.