Fangirling because of boredom xD

Jun 07, 2009 23:19


Basically what I was saying is shiz about Japanese pop bands....I'm so bored that I am talking abou tthem to a freaking blog...cos I have no one else cos I so got ditched by my friends. They are ahving a sleepover without me :( *tear* And then when I rang them up they just acted stupid *tear again*  Oh well I'll have my own f*#%^&@ party.


Summertime is on now. This PV is so cute *giggles* OMG there is such a TegoRyo moment in it xD. (8) I want you to know my sweet emotion(8) *singing* I love this song. So what I am basically doing now is talkign about whatever comes on xD. AWWWW Yamapi. *giggles* he is sooooo cute. and no to mention freaking hot *fans self* God I hope no ones reading this...its slightly embaressing. But right now I couldnt care less I am sooooooooooooo bored. Aww Shige. He has such an adorable smile. People say its fake but AWWWWW. OMG TEGORYO moment just happened. Right Ryo is like drinking outta the same cup as Yamapi and then he goes up behind Tegoshi and like either taps him somewhere I'm not sure where or what I like to think his doing is tapping/pinching him on the ass :P:P LOLOLOL FUNNNNNNNY. OMG Wanna know what songs on next?? WEEEK!!! That was the first ever song/PV I ever heard/saw of NEWS. And you know what? I still love it!! Its like my favourtie. Okay so maybe I should now start a new paragraph to describe WEEEK :)

OH MY GAHHH I love this song!!! LA LA LA LA LA
Yamapi's turn first!!! "Ikimasu YAY" :). Is it weird i'm boucing around on my chair dancing to it cos I cant stand up cos of my stupid ankle! OMG did I mention how hot both Ryo and Yamapi look in this?? Oh and Tegoshi looks so adorable. Shige looks hot too...Koyama looks cute..Massu looks like Massu :P. To be honest I dont find him all that attractiive and i dont really like his voice. SHIGEEEEEE is singing xD Now its KOYAMA!! WOOOO CHORUS xD xD IKIMASHOU MO ICHO!! OMG MY FAVOURITE BIT!!! "Kurikaeshi no mai nichi de ikiba no nai kimochiiiiiiiiii" *does tegoshi pout* *giggle*. I love him *sigh* I think I'm turning Japanese xD I mean dude I started thinking in Japanese today. I was like "Ich ni san shi go roku" when I was counting balloon pumps and then when I did something wrong I was like "IIE IIE IIE" and then I was like "OMG I'M THINKING IN JAPANESE?!? AHHHH" Awww Weeek just finished. Omg I know what I wanna listen tooooooooo KAT-TUN *giggle*

Ooooo Cherish is on.....This is one of NewS' songs when Uchi and Kusano was in it. Kusano was so hot xD. But then he got caught for underaged drinking silly silly person. You'd think he'd no better after Uchi was charged for the same thing and got put on suspention. Uchi is like now back as a trainee right? He's like in dramas and all thought I dont thnk he's singing at the moment...but what the hell ever happened to Kusano...anyone help me out? The thing I found about Kusano is he's quite arrogant...reminds me of my friends....hmm good couple? :P. So I dont know whether that is a good or a bad thing? xD.

Wow this is becoming quite long. Its basically a post of me fangirlying over some very smexy people ;). Happy Birthday just came on. The all look so adorable in this...dont you just wanna squeeze them and tell them how cute they are? xD I doooooo. I wouldnt mind hugging them at all. I mean I've seen Ryo hug someone in a drama and I was liek sitting there thinking "Hug me ne?" hehe I think he's hug would be warm...but dude imagine Jin's hug...*drools* cos he's so like...he's not fat or even chubby...he's just got a bigger frame...and I mean imagine being hugged by that...omg. I would like die! It would be so warm adn so *dies* I cant even describe it. You must think i'm freaking crazy ne? *giggles* I probably am :P

I've now opened a file called "PV's" xD. Omg the first one is one of the best film clips I've ever seen...actually I think it is.. Its soooo awesome! WAHAHA By Kanjani 8. Hehehehe. "Kanashimi ya" they look like their having sooo mucjh fun...and not to mention Ryo looks soooo sexy! I dont really know Kanjani 8 very well... but I needa download more so I get to know them more. But I love this always makes me happy even when I'm sad. This song made me laugh soooo much when I first heard it...espeacially how at the start their like "WAHAHA" and then I saw the PV and it made me giggle sooo much. I mean the fire and the punching and the I was like SHIT xD. Thats actually quite funny what I said....right my friend wrote a fan fic...which I must say is F*&#^!@ awesome and a line that Yamapi said in it was “I mean with the kickin’ and cutting and bleeding and I was like ‘Shit!’” its so awesome. I wish she'd hurry up and finish it. Its like about Kame and Jin being an angel and a devil. And how Kame is like an angel which is hated by like everyone...and like Jin is a devil and well they become friends etc. ITs sooo awesome!!! *sigh*

Ooooo DUES just came on. Jin's hair in this PV is like so hot. "DONT YOU EVER STOP WAKARETE DONT STOP" Other than that I dont really like this PV too much. I sorta like the song...not as much as others though. But like in the making of this Uepi falls and its sorta funny xD. Sorry Tat-Chan!!! Jin's voice sounds so good in this but then again when does Jin' voice not sound awesome. *loves Jin's voice* OMG an the other bit is when Jin licks his hand and is like "hell yeah" omg...the first time i saw him lick his hand i like died i was like "OMG THATS SEXY"

OMG REALFACE!! I LOVE THIS PV!! OMG JINDA!!! HIPROLLING!! AHHHHHH "giri giri de itsumo ikite ii tai kara saa" Jin's voice in this is just like...omg. And like just the whole dancing by him is sexy and not to mention KAME'S HIPROLL AHHHH IT JUST CAME BACK ON!!! OMG THE TONGUE CLICK *dies* in live performances that is seriously one of the best things ever....its just like soooo hot. Omg just everythign about Jin in this is hot. Its likehard to explain...he just looks overall hot...there isnt anyway to describe it. Wow I cant believe I'm posting this in a school blog not just on livejournal. If anyone from school see's this it is going to be sooo embaressing I'm never going to be able to live it down!!! Meh, I've done worst things in my life...and I mean all they can tease me about here is loving some peoples I'm never going to get...its not that bad I've had worse. And I mean anyone who dont find these peoples attractive have problems :P:P: *coughCALLUMcough* heheheh. Oh and someone a rather who I cant mention his name on here...but I mean he says his gat but he doesnt find any of the boys from NewS or KT attractive!! :O:O:O

Ohhh Rescue...this PV sorta annoys me..its too western if you get what I mena. I mean its a nice song and all...just the dancing annoys me cos its too western and i liked them when they did like not too western xD like you know hiprolling *drools* now that is what I call hot. And I mean what the hell Jin? Can you not afford to buy a razor blade to shave your face...cos like no offence but that little beard you were was sorta gross...its like...KOKI! Not that I have all that much against Koki...but just please dont grow a little beard...its so not hot xD. What are you going to do next cut your hair off? You do that and I will personally make you a wig and send it over to you, I know its sorta not my business but...i mean cuting your hair off liek Koki...its sorta...ew... I cant imagine you without any hair anymore xD Omg you know what pisses me off in the PV is that the music interlude goes for sooo long. Its sooooo annoyig...though the dancing is nice...god I wish I was one of those back up dancers *dies* xD I'm thinking I might not post this on the school blog...cos I mean...Its just a tinch embaressing LOL. Wow its finally finished xD The music interlude goes for like WAY too long.

They are so AWESOME in this PV they all look just so...WOW especially Jin. AND THERES HIPROLLING!! Oh and did I mention the making of this is SOOOOOOOO goood!! I've watched it soooo much!! Its just sooo good. *dies* HIPROLL "Whats going on" The dance in this is sooo awesome too. HIPROLL. Oh theres a bit in it when Jin looks like he has a cockatoo head :P "Hitori jyanai..." This dance is so awesome. Jin is so hot. *dies* oh and you know when they are in those box things and got to dnce however they liked? Uepi shaking his head while he's on his knees ADORABLE!! And omg Jin's voice sounds so good. OMG JIN TONGUE THING Ohh and during the making you know when Uepi and Taguchi are in the same box thingo and then Jin comes in and is singing. Omg that is liek the best ever part. Cos like omg Jin sounds freaking awesome and just *dies* i cant describe it. ohhh I bet ya cant guess who's my favourite? :P He's tongue bit at the end is liek soooo hot. Aww its the end *cries*

Oh its Happy Birthday AGAIN!? *coughskipcough* WOW didnt that finish quickly?

OH MY GOD ITS HALF OF KOI NO ABO xD I only have half of it because my download is stupid. But the funny thing is that I deleted the full one after I downloaded it xD. Okat I shall make a list of all the members in Koi no ABO cos its quite funny my list :P
First there is Koyama: Koyama just looks like Koyama...thought he looks quite hot in this...but dont you think that Koyama hasnt really changed? Like he looks like he did I dunno 10 years ago? xD
Next is Shige..Okay so as much as I love Shige...seriously what the hell is with the weird faces he pulls?! Like everytime he comes onto the screen he has the weirdest face on *sigh* silly Shige *giggles*
Then theres Ryo: I personally dont really like his hair like that...I dunno why... I just dont... xD But other than that he looks hot...and he's moles are like *dies* sooooo sexy!!
Then theres Yamapi. He looks pretty good...but I dont think I like his hair that colour too much...though I must say I have gotten used to it and it doesnt look as bad as I first thought...actualyl I find it kinda hot now :P.
And well Massu....Uhh...Massu looks like Massu thought I swear he's hair has changed a little bit :O:O:O
And then lastly is Tegoshi. Tegosi sorta has an afro in this. At first I thought "what the hell is he thinking" and then I watched it a couple of times and I was like "Wow thats sorta hot" xD.
OMG guess what I found out like a couple of weeks ago...this song is about Blood types. Omg it took me so long to figure that dumb ne? OMG did I mention how Hot Yamapi looks with those sunnies? *drools* See it just finished after like 2 minutes and 50 secodns :O.

Ooo what is this? Ohh I havent really listened to this all tha much. I dont even know the title xD So I'll just type whats in the title of the name :P 'Zukkoe Otokomichi' By Kanjani8. If I made a mistake in spaces etc you should let me know ;) But I like this song its pretty good. All of Kanjani's songs seem like so much fun. Like Ryo looks hot in does Subaru when he had his hair up...but when its down and underneath the offence but it looked pretty bad. And omg their like so hip thrusting...thats hot man...especially Ryo doing it...I love Ryo. *giggles*. That reminds me I need to download a Kanjani8 concert...Yupp thats my next downloading thing. I shall do that tomorrow because it is a public holiday :):):) Kanjani 8 seems like sucha  fun band. *giggles* Ryo is like so short.

Oooo One drop. I found this PV pretty boring. I dont really like Kame's hair in sorta annoys me. They look hot in this though...and the limo's omg they are awesome. And Taguchi actually looks hot...omg his hair is so awesome. Heheh in the making how Ueda gets tipsy on the wine!! That was so cute. he was like giggling and was all "I dont like being alone" xD. Jin looks hot in this...and in the making I swear his pregnant :P:P:P JOKING xD. OMG my fave bit is coming up you know how Jin goes up high in the middle of the is so awersome. I dunno why but I love when Jin's voice goes up just sends shivers down my spin. Omg *shivers* xD I love it. Is it just me or KT's lipsynching getting worse and worse? I mean in One Drop it wasnt too bad but like in Resue my friend and I thought it was pretty bad xD

Ohhh Summertime...AGAIN xD. *coughskipcough* OMg that finished fast and now Taiyou No Namida is on. I liek this PV its hot :P. Nah I like this song tooo. Except when I get it stuck in my head. They looks sooo hot. You know when I get it stuck in my head the only part I get stuck in there is "Taiyou No Namida" from like right at the beginning. Its so annoying xD. Omg its hot cos their like dancing in the rain. I didnt know getting wet in the rain could look so sexy xD. Tegoshi looks mega good I reckon. And also Ryo...wowowowowowowow. I love how Ryo looks in this...his hair and just like wow. heheh he just started singing as I started talking abotu him. I love how Yamapi sounds just after Ryo sings his bit after the first chorus it sounds so awesome. Hehe. Koyama looks hot tooo. Oh and so does Shige. I love Shige's hair how its liek black and short. Oh and I guess Massu looks alright tooo :P:P. As mmuh as I love Massu I dont really find him attractive. I mean the way he acts is soooo adorable nad I just want to hug him...but like I mean I dont really find him all that attractive. Hey dont you reckon that NewS lipsynching is better than KAT-TUN :P:P AWWW YAmapi at the end with his cups. hehe.

Oooo You by KT just came on. This PV is cute. Aww the sound is a little weird xD. Heheeh I like this PV its awesome. Jin is like sooo hot. And Kame looks os awesome . And Uepi...But Jin and Kame wowowowowowow. ESPECIALLY JIN. Omggg. One of these days he is going to kill me. xD. Wow I didnt know I could type abotu me Fangirling for so long. Omg Jin does some really hot things in this...omg. Like wowowowow. When like the red and blue bars are passing over him...WOWOWOW His facial expressions and just wowow. And omg Kame looks so awesome too. He looks would you say it? Pure? Like his face looks perfect and teeth...he looks like an angel in this....I never noticed it before. But in this PV he looks like an ANGEL. OMG JIN'S "Come to me yeah" OMGOMGOGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOMGOGM
WOW. Can you tell that I just died them?? And like Uepi just smiled and like wow. How much does Kame look like an angel though? Like his hair is perfect and everythign!! Aww thats the last PV in that file. I have more but I know that I really should stop fangirling on my journal because if anyone reads this they will seriously be bored xD. hehe. Soo yeah.

Maybe I should stop writing about me fangirling! If you read this..l.congratulations your still alive. I hope I made you laugh with my craziness ne? xD. Alright I'm going to go fangirl some more over some more stuff. JYA NE :)

P.S Wow this is ALOT of writing xD 


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