I met a BOY XD

Jan 21, 2011 03:10

My friend Dylan was a teacher for an exchange program in Hawaii called PPP, it does an exchange with schools all over Japan, including Keio High School. So she knows a lot of Keio boys. Two of the boys, Yuki and Sato, are in a band. So they were having a live in Yokohama as an opening act for another band, so we went to support them.
During the first and my guy friends, Ryan and Micah were standing in the back while I made the girls, Lisa and Dylan, go up to the front with me.
Okay... before I go further... I was the ONLY white girl there. Micah is a lot of things but asian so he sticks out also. Which is what made the lead singer of another band go up and talk to him. Micah said his English was really good and that they'd be singing Linkin Park so he wanted to stay around.

Anyway, because Yuki stayed with Dylan's family and Sato was her student, they are obviously good friends. So during their part of the live they kept looking at Dylan. And this made some high school girls by us, very angry.
All we kept hearing was:
After the boys performed we waited around and the next, and main band started to play. They're a more metal/screamo band, but they're the best I've ever heard. The screaming sounds musical, and the lead singer can switch from singing to screaming like its nothing. It was amazing, honestly.
So, during their first song, I'm dancing around because I've been to shows like this so I know how to move and not stand there and look awkward (pre-Arashi, I was one of those kids that went to shows every weekend).
So during the first song the lead singer, who talked to Micah, pointed at me. And it wasn't just a point to the crowd. It was a, he wanted me to look at him, and he wanted me to know that he was looking at me, point.
So I was like O_O WOAH. Because that had never happened to me before. So he keeps looking at me, more high schools get slowly more angry. And so I turned to talk to my friend Lisa in the 2nd song, and this band has a mascot that's a Care Bear.
I was told, he looked at me and threw it directly at me.
It hit me in the face.
I was like AUGH! WHAT IS THAT! IT'S WET!!!
Freaking out as usual :D
So I definitely knew now that he was focusing on me. And these girls got too rowdy in front of me and so I pushed into the mosh pit.... *ahem*.
Anyway, after the show I went up to his booth and talked to him. He bought Micah a drink (he was WASTED).
And we're in front of the convenience store and he starts talking to me a lot more. And he's amazing at English.
and this was the dialogue:
Him: "I want you to be me."
Me: "Excuse me?"
Him: "I-I want to be you."
Me: ".... you want what?"
Him: "I want you. I want you to be my girlfriend."

And I laughed and he was drunk so I was just laughing it off. And he was telling me that now I'm his girlfriend and that he's going to take me to Asakusa and we're going to eat mochi together.
Also... just for the record. All my friends, who are very hard to please in terms of looks, thought he was gorgeous.
And he was gorgeous if I do say so myself. *pats self on back* ;]
And, so I have his email, I've been emailing him, he gave me a free ticket to his next show, so I'm going. I might see him before then, its up in the air.
His name is Masato, and hes 25.
hahaha :D (don't tell my mom his age O_O;)

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