Jan 30, 2010 14:20
Jack is almost 2/3 through his treatment. We've been tapering off his medication to once a day now. Where his hind legs look like they are improving, he still refuses to make any real walking form of movement. But he will stretch the frontal region of his body a little ways to get to his food or a drink. The pain seems to be subsiding, which is good. But it's gotten to the point where his under-coat looked/looks soiled because he has been sitting or laying down in his urine that he refuses to move. I don't know why I let it go on for this long :-/ After unsuccessfully giving the little guy a bath twice this past week, I figured why stress him out further? It's just going to possibly aggravate him. But I called his vet anyway and was told to keep giving him warm baths to see if I could clean his coat. Sad to say, the shampoo I need is at PetSmart, and I cannot seem to go anywhere because I am being snowed in today. I tried using my instant one, but it wasn't effective.
But I did put Yesterday New's clippings underneath his blanket, and that seemed to help absorb the urine better, for his belly was drier today than it had been for the last several days. On Monday (two days from today) I have to taper his medicine down to once every other day. A good thing I want to note that doesn't seem to stress him out (and actually he rather enjoys this) is me taking him out of his 'room' and putting him by my side as I do work on my laptop. Usually I do work on my bed. He enjoys the company and just lies there, looking content. I contribute to his happiness by every once and awhile stroking his chin, cheek, or head. Sometimes we rub noses :) Last Sunday, I took a small nap on one side of my bed with Jack on the other. Just the two of us and candlelight :P I know he would have enjoyed it more if I let him stay on my bed longer, but I had to put him back in his room for the rest of the evening because it was time for me to sleep.
As far as my internship, well the first week back has been brutal, but good. Things are a little different this semester - our fifth grade kids are now in an inclusive setting with a general education math teacher; there are 26 students total in this classroom, which is quite a large number. In addition to this, this semester I am running the classroom completely for the first three to five weeks. My OSCT and I are dividing up the duties - I am going to lead writing instruction for 9 days and she is going to lead reading. She'll lead in 5th grade math (because this is as new to her as it is for me) with SB (the gen ed teacher) and I'll lead the data analysis unit for the 4th grade. Exciting? Yes. Stressful? Definitely. I am already looking forward to the weeks of MSA testing. During those weeks, I'll be going around to observe classrooms and participate in different ones. I hope to get to observe my US in action and a SCB class. That would be cool. Best continue planning now!