Sep 11, 2014 11:52
theres always something about this day. something thats always off in some way or another. some kind of awfullness around it. everyone has thier own part of it. we all somehow have a connection to one day. a day that holds so much sorrow, so much pain, that no one can escape it. for most it was the attack, for a close friend of mine it was the loss of a loved one a year prior. it affects us all differently. i remember that day being sunny, but strange. like it was all fake. everything looked bright and cheery, but no one was, the girl who was always crying was still crying of course, but so were her friends. the birds didnt sing. the wind didnt blow, the crickets didnt dare to chirp. its the same today. the rain drips off the trees outside, but they feel embarassed about the sounds they make. the fog settles in everything, making it all seem dreamlike. it feels off. like any minute the air could just explode and there would be nothing. its unsettling. you can never forget that feeling. the feeling of nothing ever being the same. of the sadness, the fear, the loss of words. no expression could ever capture it. and no matter how hard you try today, you wont escape it. itll follow you. you'll try to sleep and remember how afraid you were to close your eyes. you can try to ignore it. to push through the day without accknowledging it, but it'll be there to stare smuggly in your face. on the cover of every paper, every facebook profile, every radio station, every flagpole. you'll think about it every time a plane goes by. you cant ignore it. you cant forget it. everything has changed