"Are you contagious too?"

Aug 02, 2010 23:12

so this past week has sucked. it was all sad and emo and icky emotional roller-coaster like. fuck that. I hate it. whine whine whine. sob sob sob.

up until my aunt talked to me <3 I love her so much. I've always been close with my aunt, but after her whole divorce and such, my dad's all like "OMG SHE'S GAY! STAY AWAY OR YOU'LL CATCH IT TOO!" oh the immaturity I live with... anyway. she's got a facebook and put a very funny comment on a sad quote from a song. it made my night. i laughed so freakin hard it was ridiculous. it then triggered a long conversation full of silly jokes and picking on family members. slowly she eased into the "what's wrong" part. so I told her. and her advice isn't all that much different from everybody else's but coming from someone like her, idk. it just made me smile and not want to waste another minute moping. I guess it could be called inspiration. either way, i love her. and even listening to sad songs right now isn't making me cry anymore. and this past week, everything has made me cry, so this is a big deal. sort of.

ah well. time for the greatest day ever! which is probably going to suck. because, hey, it's me we're talking about. that means all my plans will fail like woah and I'll be pissed. I will have my perfect night damnit.

the plan is:
veg out for the first part of the day. clean, do laundry and all the other things i haven't done in forever.
then meet up with kayla and go see charlie st cloud.
then to the diner for some food!
then to the mountain to sit and stargaze, sing, dance, talk and watch the sun rise on my 22nd birthday <3
Cassie and renke might be there too<3 though renke will probably be there at like 4am just to see the sunrise before he heads to work.

and then of course, it's back to the real world and work at 2... but i'm still excited!
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