Jan 26, 2006 08:36
Directions: Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.
How many songs: 736
Sort by song title...
First song: 3rd Symphony No.3 - Beethoven
Last song: Zelda Orchestra - Super Smash Bros. Melee OST
Sort by time...
Shortest Song: Miracle - Kingdom Hearts OST (0:18)
Longest Song: Sleep - Godspeed You! Black Emperor (23:17)
Sort by album...
-No albums-
Top 5 Most Played Songs...
1.Earthshine - Rush
2.Victor's Piano Solo - Danny Elfman
3.The Trees - Rush
4.The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkle
5.Wonderboy - Tenacious D
First 5 songs that come up on Shuffle...
1. Every Morning - Sugar Ray
2. Kill That Jerk - Wesley Willis
3. Halo Theme Song
4. Alanis Morisette - Wesley Willis
5. 9th Symphony - Beethoven
1. "Sex"--How many songs come up: 1
2. "Death"--How many songs come up: 0
3. "Love"--How many songs come up: 12
4. "You"--How many songs come up: 19
5. "love" and "you" --How many songs come up: 1
...Goddammit I'm bored.