Yesterday was one of those days where I was SuperMom. I made the offspring a healthy lunch, got her to school looking spiffy, cleaned the house, started dinner, biked a mile, did science, biked a mile home, showered, dressed nice, did socially active things, made dinner, read to the offspring and tucked her in bed. It was a full day
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the same way perfection is over-rated.
either way you are totally awesome.
And hey - I found out how to access LJ at work -at least for a little while. :)
The biggest part of dealing with mental illness for me is learning to recognize these broken thought pathways before things get bad. When I realize, "Oh, that's not me. That's this broken thought." I can bypass the action associated with it. I may not be able to stop the thought, but I can fix the action.
Well it does seem like you are getting there - in terms of managing it, I mean. I am not able to add anything insightful I am afraid, and I am crap at knowing what to say so I will just wish you the very best with dealing with them (and think happy thoughts in your direction).
I'm not writing a whole hell of a lot, but I did finish Dear Daddy. I just have to get it beta read and posted. It wrapped up nicely and I like how it ends. I may pick the series up again later, when Savas and Jo are teenagers. I'm also considering a Chekov/Sulu epistolary fic, maybe Academy Era. Chekov's letters home to Mama, perhaps, plus everything that surrounds it.
Happy thoughts are sufficient and welcome. Managing things is a constant struggle, but it *does* get easier as you go (I promise). It all hinges on awareness.
oh yay! good for you! :)
I'm also considering a Chekov/Sulu epistolary fic, maybe Academy Era. Chekov's letters home to Mama
funny you should say that... I have something planned that involves Chekov and letters but ... um... not to his Mom.
Really?! That's awesome.
You must tell me of your evil plans.
The thing I started yesterday does involve baby!Comrade's Mama but no letters.
Now I go to find Chinese-related birthday party things for Bubby.
Well... he does have his gwumpy face on for most of this one, but he does have a good excuse this time, poor bb. ;________;
Aww, is it her birthday? Happy birthday!
Her birthday is the sixth of September and she will be nine. I will tell her you said happy birthday.
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