Mar 18, 2004 01:04
fucking work today was a mad house... poeple were calling in sick and leaving sick...
so jaz had to close game room and i had to close the kitchen(for the first time..) boy i thought i had it bad in the game room.. omg was i wrong... i had to clean over 50 pizza lids and over 50 pizza plates and here was so so so so so so much more.. it was hell... i got off about 12..o well.. n-e-who jaz seemed to love her 1st day of work...
well next week i go from part time to full time.. i work from 2 to close.. its gonna run me down.. but o well more money...
i thik mr. kris is comin to see me tommarow...
i have to go to bed soon.. i have to get up pretty early to go places with my moooo-me...
o ya and life is pretty dam good!! i <3 it!