Apr 16, 2006 22:53
nunsense=hilarious. nuns. being funny. and high. and not remembering things.
spent many a day in the baltimore area, was stellar, as per usual. say jamiee, won trivial pursuit, all but once....watched eddie izzard, hilarious. had food. good time.
spent most of weekend cleaning and packing with steph and katie, also enjoyable, though the actual tasks less so, good company, so good time. must teach katie to bat and throw next time, and to do so in a non-girly fashion, unless of course we are talking jenny finch girly then that is okay. not much else going on, sleep soon.
oh yes, but most importantly trader joes= best fucking grocery store. ever. as katie would say "pro"
and i need a PS2 so i can play kingdom hearts, but is probably more fun when people are hanging about in the room with you and talking and telling you that you are going to die, so maybe wait until have place of own. hmmm.
yes. is all. happy holy zombie day...errr easter. yeah. that one