Nov 14, 2005 15:04
the title is totally a dragonforce lyric.
i have to get braces on monday......the only 2 good things about that aare 1.straight teeth skool.
everyone says the few days following them are hellish agony.
sat, im gonna go see Jeff at st johns. oh, how do i loathe st. johns.
sonar is fun tho....x is playing there.
sooooo, i had to get spacers for my bottom brackets today , and the bumb lady made me BLEED.< Font color=lime green>so, i am bored.... i dont like my spanish class, and any of my other ones. they ALL suck, except art. i like art. i'm good at art. i want to design shit for burton or lib tech snowboardnig companies when i grow up more.. so art is good.i feel like death.i am so tired and i dont have anything to do , which is why i'm typing this."small pebble , some small stone , no place to call your own"- sings commonrider..i got pissed at my co worker jill yesterday, cause a while ago , shed broken up with her boyfrined cause she didnt like him anymore, and she thought he was too clingy, and then yesterday , at work, she was like " i might go back out with him"okay , fine, but the thing thast made me mad was that she said she doesnt really even like him , but he is obsessed with her. she always trash talked him, but he was such the nice but , even if he didnt look too appealing.i got bitched at by my stepdad today.cuz i had written burton sno on my hand and he got all up in my space and was like blah blah im an ass, i told you HOW MANY TIMES NOT TO WRITE ON YOURSELF.what do you think is appropraite punishment? screw punishment. i was like , well , it should only be punishable if its hurting someone and youre obviously NOT dead yet.
so he gets even more pissed and is like"$%#^$@%# do what you want, idont care"
i wish he didnt care though. id be off so much easier.
amanda got her hair dyed, and it looks superb. yeah, thats pretty much my day-ish.