Sep 13, 2009 14:35
Last week at this time...I was in Brooklyn.
I don't have many pictures to share from my trip, but it was dope. Felt like one of those episodes on your favorite 90's sitcom where the friend comes back from wherever and meets up with their BFF from high-school/college...minus the whole subtle competitive stint that goes on with that (ie: Ohh I'm working here, Ohh I have seven kids, Ohhh I married a doctor with three of his own offices, etc.). It was more just observing the changes in Pratt's 'hood and furthermore identifying how unfamiliar with some things I now am, due to my absence. Simultaneously, it was nice to be familiar with everything. In any measure, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and vow to make more trips, more often.
I think life is so funny the way things can seem SOOO down but you still have that flint of hope that good will come from the bad. I actually love that. It's a challenge, but a great feeling to be excited about life even in times when there doesn't seem like a thing to be excited for. That's what faith is all about.
I need to either create or purchase some paintings to go above my bed. It's been bare up there for too long now. I've been in my OWN place for a year in October, and just renewed the lease. (Also, in October will be my 8th year of having this lj. I never would have imagined!)
I also need to make more face-time with my local homies, and write more in here...and in general.
Time is slipping by!
life lessons,
brooklyn love,