Apr 23, 2008 18:35
So one of my co-workers (who also happens to be the guy who graduated from high school with me) was complaining all day about how he was soooo sore because he rode his bike from "35th street (Southside of Chicago) to Belmont (Northside of Chicago)", and THEN he went to the gym to work out. That's about a 30-40 minute car drive in good traffic. So anyway, he inspired me to get off my behind (today) and go ride my bike. When I first made the attempt, I had no air, so I walked about a mile with my bike--to the nearest gas station-- to put air in my tires. MY BIKE STILL WOULD NOT RIDE PROPERLY. Then I realize there has to be something funky going on with the chain, and after close inspection it appears to be broken............UMMMMMMMMM C IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME? LOL.
Who else could have though?
I hate to accuse mofos, but ummm...I dont know....anyway then I walked my bike a mile back home.
It was fun to see everybody else out running and playing and riding bikes though.