I hate being so sleepy that I can't remember how I fell asleep the night before, or waking up looking at the clock, then realizing it's extremely later in the day than I hoped. This has been my life for the past few days. A matter of fact, today I looked at the clock at 6:46 and was PISSED. I thought it was 6:46 at night, regardless of the very bright sunlight pouring into my room. My mind has just been gone. I haven't been getting enough sleep...or work done.
I have an African Art History final tommorow night and have not even cracked the book open. I'll do it tonight...I guess. My step-cousin Nicky is here from home. So we've been doing our thizzle. I think she's enjoying herself? Yesterday, we went into the city and did the tourist thing. Went to Time Square (lol this has been like my 3rd time in the past three months to show friends from out of town). Rode in one of those little bike-carriage thingys to 34th St *that was EXTREMELY FUN. Everyone should do that once in their lives! Touristy or not.* Went to Macy's. Browsed other stores on 34th. Then went to T.G.I.Friday's and ate dinner. She treated. YES!
I have spent so much $ this weekend. I think I've spent at least $250. I'm afraid to check my balance online, because I do not want to cry. I mean, I did take care of things I needed to, like buying a replacement cellphone (since AT&T/Cingular sucks ass and I am no longer under warranty and would have to pay over $100 for my broke down Panasonic to be repaired), but I've been splurging too. Today we're going to SoHo and I know I'm going to want something. Yesterday at H&M I saw many accessories I'd like to own. Blah, I digress.
She's staying in a rented room in my dorm, so we haven't had much time to reflect on the time spent like we would had she stayed in my room--I guess. Friday night, we went to dinner at my new favorite local Chinese restaurant, then shopped at Fulton Mall and of course went to Junior's (thanks to motivation from
yelnats' recent entry)! Later that night, we (along with other friends) went to the FiveSpot for this "Soul in the Hole" thingy. It was cool, and even I can say that, though I don't dance for shit. I mean the reason behind it stems from some very juvenile junior high school stuff, which is still prevelant in today's dancehalls/clubs...which is why I still don't dance. I'm not a piece of freakin' meat...and I don't like to be watched like one.
Some people do.This atmosphere was totally NOT like that though. Very easy-going, accepting, etc. A great big ole' love affair. I felt like I was in an African village at one point of the night.
Anyway, as usual, friends were convincing me to do a little something. Move a shoulder, something! Even B. Polite was like "Just do the 2-step for 16 beats." I did it, for two. LOL. He was getting to me (in a good way) because he is so deep. He was telling me to let go, stop being uptight about how things might look and just move with how I'm feeling and how the music moves me. Then he started saying "The ancestors are calling you by name! They want you to move, be free for them!" *shivers* Deep shit. I guess my theme song would be "I used to go out to parties and stand around/cause I was too nervous [shy, would fit for me] to really get down" B. is right though, my focus is too much on self, because most of the time I think other people look stupid dancing, I don't want to be among that "look." I'm a weirdo though...duh. So, as usual, I was uptight even tipsy (cause I also spent $16 on drinks). Ugh, I feel queasy thinking about all the $ I've spent.
And though I have thousands more thoughts to dwell on, I'm going to end this young diddy right here.