Um... help?

May 30, 2023 20:25

I had blood work done today for my yearly physical, which isn't until the 15th. I was surprised to get the results about 8 hours after I had it done. Everything was good except my TSH (thyroid) level, which they marked as low (it was about 0.38, normal range is 0.47-4.0). They noted that Biotin supplements can mess with it and cause it to be falsely reported as low, and suggested stopping them at least 48 hours before having bloodwork done. I never knew about this, they'd never mentioned it before. I do take Biotin supplements daily, about 10,000 mcg for brittle nails. I also had spinach with dinner the night before and read that contains biotin so maybe that added to it?

If it isn't a lab error of course. If so I guess I have to prepare myself for the possibility of hyperthyroidism, at least according to Google. I have none of the symptoms though so it's a complete mystery. What bothers me most is that it's way off from what it was last year, and the year before that and so on.

Of course I got these results after my doctor's office hours so I'm going to call them tomorrow. Really hoping I can talk to someone who can put my fears to rest. Really hoping the Biotin threw it off or it was a lab error. Ugh... I can't deal with this stress :/


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