I was very disappointed with how Sam was barely in this episode, although I liked it a LOT. There were a lot of questions left unanswered and clues scattered everywhere. I liked name-checking Chuck and thinking he's dead. I would love to see the little guy again.
Eep... I hope not! I think it might look that way because he usually has it pushed further back from his forehead when he's playing a fed. And maybe because his hair is longer now it gives that illusion? I remember a few people saying that even his head looked different with the longer hair.
I remember hearing this too, at one of the cons? At the last con someone asked him how long he's growing his hair and he said "Forever" so they said "Like Repunzel?" LOL. He said something about keeping it as long as he could while still trying to seem believable as a fed. I don't think his hair ever made him look believable as a fed, lol (well maybe more in seasons 1 and 2).
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