Oct 09, 2007 20:28
So I've heard that this DVD set was just released. And that it comes jam-packed with stuff. I have a question for anyone who is getting it or has gotten it...
Are the extras worth it at all? I have all the seasons on DVD already except for S10, which I don't really have any interest in buying since I have a bunch of the eps recorded onto dvd already (and I really wasn't crazy about many of the eps this season anyway). I browsed a few sites and it sounds like most of the extras from the previous dvd sets are on it (including the video diaries, director's series, Lowdown specials, the specials SciFi did, etc.) although I didn't see the S1-2 extras listed (like the profiles on Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c and Hammond).
It does seem like there are extras not found on any of the previous dvd sets though, like "Beyond the Gate: A convention experience", a couple of Director's Series that were only on the UK versions I believe (including Revisions, which I've seen bits and pieces of before and I love... come on, AT, MS and CJ clowning around in a trailer! Gotta love it :D), The Last Day of Teal'c, which was only on the UK release, and a few others I've never heard of. I already have the Lowdowns either from the previous sets or taped off of tv, especially the 200th episode, Science of Stargate and Behind the Mythology specials.
I really wish that they'd release some of these extras on individual dvd sets. I mean, $250 or whatever the price this is going for is a lot to shell out, especially for me... and I wish they'd release a blooper reel or outtakes from all the seasons, even the earlier ones. I know some of my friends have said that they'd sell all their season boxsets and purchase this, but I don't really want to do that (some of my sets are getting a bit worn out as it is).
So, if anyone's purchased this already or is planning on doing so, please let me know what the extras are like and if you think it's worth it to do something crazy like sell off my previous sets to get something like this.