SPN #5x05 Fallen Idols (episode review)

Oct 08, 2009 21:59

I'm pretty tired and got a headache coming on again... *sigh*... but here's my review for this ep. Hope it's somewhat coherent. ;) Again, I'd appreciate it if there's no bashing of either character. Thanks in advance.

I liked the way this ep showed the boys trying to get back to business together. Of course I knew it wouldn't be easy, that once we had that final scene from last episode they wouldn't just fall back into it totally comfortable. But more on that later.

Cross-fandom geek alert! Paul McGillion who played Dr. Carson Beckett on Stargate Atlantis played Jim in the teaser and beginning of the episode! *squeeee*

Alright, I think I'm okay now... *cough*  LOL. But it was awesome seeing him. I'm glad it wasn't him who met his end. But what a way for that other guy to go, smashed into the windshield of Lil Bastard like that.

So we have the boys talking in the car. Dean is all gung ho about this case, while Sam is still trying to make sense of this whole thing they're involved in ... icing the Devil. Dean says it's all about them putting the training wheels back on. Sam asks if he's talking just about him - that Sam needs the training wheels. Dean clarifies that BOTH of them need the training wheels. As a TEAM. He wants there to be a fresh start for both of them. Sam seems okay with that.

The sheriff was played by the guy who played Chuck Lambert, the pilot in Phantom Traveler! Cool! :D

Boys in suits: always a nice sight. ;)

Only natural that Dean would geek out over James Dean's car. I loved how he was talking to the car before he was going to get down underneath it to get the vehicle number, the whole "don't worry baby, I'm not going to hurt you." Heh. And I LOVED how Sam startled him, the way he put his head down and asked if Dean needed a flashlight. Hee, silly puppy sneaking up on him! And Dean is all nervous, telling him not to move or speak since he's afraid of the car falling on him (because that car has pretty much killed anyone who's touched it).

They're going to have to find out who owned the car before and Sam says it will be lots of research. Dean says it'll be right up his alley. 'Cause, according to Dean, Sam keeps research next to his bed with the KY. LOL.

Dean's at a bar hitting on the bartender. Sam calls, hears the sound of pool being played (sounds like anyway) and asks if he's in a bar. Dean says it's a restaurant that happens to have a bar. Heh. It turns out that car actually wasn't James Dean's. So... whose was it then?

Then we cut to victim #2. Maybe it's just me but I found that scene funny. Come on, a vicious Abe Lincoln? LOL. And the blood ends up splattered all over the framed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation (or was it Gettysburg Address?).

Puppy speaks Spanish! *squee* Okay, so it's just Freshman Spanish, but still. I studied Spanish for 6 years so I could understand the maid/housekeeper quite well. She describes the attacker as being tall and having a beard. And wearing a "sombrero."

Dean: Dude was wearing a sombrero?

LOL. No, a very tall hat like Abe Lincoln would wear. I love how Sam corrects Dean's Spanish. Dean said "muchos" something and Sam told him it was "muy", not "muchos." Aww, love me some Geek!Sammy.

So they end up at the wax museum. Dean laughs at a wax figure of Gandhi. Sam takes exception and says Gandhi was a great man. Dean: For a Smurf.

At first I thought the guy who worked at the wax museum was a bit shady, but I guess it turned out that he wasn't part of it. He's just trying have a successful business and has an appreciation for old stuff. He's even wearing Fonzie's jacket from Happy Days seasons 2-4.

Back at the hotel, Dean is on the phone with who turns out to be Bobby. Sam overhears him talking about the apocalypse, and how "we know whose fault that is." Sam understandably assumes Dean's talking about him. Though I'm not totally sure. It would be really easy to assume he was just talking about Sam only, but I think it's possible he might've been referring to both of them. It's hard to tell at this stage, but I understand why Sam assumes he's talking about him. He tells Dean that he overheard and says that he thought they were getting a fresh start. Dean says this is as fresh as they're going to get. Hmm.... I'm not sure what to make of this....

So they're back in the wax museum. Dean takes Abe's actual real hat and sticks it on his head, doing an impression of him, "Four score and seven years ago" and all. I'm sorry, but that cracked me up. And I love the bitchface Sam gives him, almost like "will you stop fooling around already?" As soon as Sam stuck his face right up into the Abe figure I was going "No, don't do it!!" False alarm, but the door slams shut on him and Gandhi attacks him. Another monster going for the Sammy Neck. Isn't it funny how a lot of them do that? LOL. But Dean rushes in and his first reaction is surprise that a guy like Gandhi has such a hold on Sam. He says that the guy is squirrel-y. Hee. Finally Sam wheezes out that it's Gandhi's actual glasses and Dean grabs them, setting fire to them.

Later at the hotel, Sam says he doesn't think this will work between them. He says that he's trying to do his part but Dean's making it hard. He also shares a bit more ... says that he went with Ruby to get away from Dean. Dean says "so this is my fault?" Sam says no, it's HIS fault, but he didn't want to be just Dean's little brother. He tells Dean he has to let him grow up. Aw. :( A part of me cried then and there. But yeah, I know Sammy has to grow up. And it's clear he wants a more proactive role in this.

Sam does an autopsy and finds seeds in the victims' bodies. I thought it was kind of interesting how the camera seemed to linger on the blood on his gloves, as if they were going to show us that he's still not over the blood addiction. But looked like Sammy was okay there - he was more focused on the seeds. He tells Dean about them, that they're seeds he's never seen before and Dean marvels at what a geek he is. It turns out the seeds are from somewhere in the Balkans, from a forest that had burned down 30 years ago and have something to do with an old forest god ("Leshi" I think was the name?).

When they go back to the police station, we see two upset teens saying that their friend was taken. They say they didn't know "she" was so mean. When the boys ask who they're referring to, they admit it's Paris Hilton. They say that she looked good, and was thin and fast. Heh.

They're back at the museum and they go out back, finding the kidnapped girl there. That pink shirt she was wearing looked like the same one that Tara Benchley, the girl from Hollywood Babylon, was wearing. Didn't it? :)

And here comes Paris. Wow, she really puts up a fight, doesn't she. She sneers "awesome" at our restrained boys.

She's also filing her nails with a knife. At least that's what it looked like she was doing. Or sharpening them. Whatever it was, Dean looked like he was getting a bit peeved, lol

So Paris was the forest god. She laughs about people today worshiping celebrities like they're gods. She says "they're just people with little dogs and spray-on tans." *snerk* And instead of old-time religion there's US Weekly. Though Dean says he's more of a Penthouse man. *wink* She intends to eat the boys, saying that someone started the apocalypse (and of course the camera cuts to Sam) and now she's just going out and having fun. Dean says she won't eat him, because he's not a Paris Hilton fan and he's never seen House of Wax. Sam's look was priceless. Hee! Paris says she can read Dean's mind and says that John is Dean's idol. She's apparently going to "create" him when Dean goes off on her and they fight. She's really whaling on him when Sam breaks free and starts axing her.

"Paris" gets her head chopped off by Sam!! Could it be any better? LMAO :D And my gosh, he actually looked hot covered with the blood and that look on his face... the way he laughed at Dean that he got whaled on by Paris Hilton. And Dean tells him to shut up. lol

So at the very end Dean tells Sam he thought about what Sam said earlier, that he's right. He admits he broke the first seal, so he has his share of blame also. He tells Sam he's sorry, and Sam thanks him.

And, and AND... he asks Sam if he wants to drive! Sam does. I totally got flashbacks to Wendigo, when Dean asked Sam in the beginning if he wanted to drive (after he started awake from the dream of him at Jess' grave) and then at the end Sam saying he's going to drive. And they go into the car and drive off to Stevie Wonder's "Superstitious."

And the song continues into a "Soon" promo. Wow, haven't seen one of those since........... end of Crossroad Blues? Guess they had to do it since the ep came up a little short on time. But I'm glad they did it. Looks like we're in for quite a few interesting eps coming up. But I won't spoil any further just in case any of you haven't seen it. :)

So ... final thoughts. I was really looking forward to this ep, because I thought it'd be a nice, more light-hearted change of pace from the more serious eps we've had thus far. And in a way, it was. But we still had those serious moments between the boys, with Sam thinking Dean is still blaming just him for this, telling Dean he has to let him grow up and all. And finally Dean admitting at the end that he broke the first seal and apologizing to Sam. I have to say, when I saw the scene with Dean on the phone with Bobby, I just knew a lot of people would be screaming for Dean's head. That he doesn't trust Sam and he should give him a break. And then I figured there'd be a lot of people angry with Sam for saying he went with Ruby to get away from Dean. I thought there was sure to be a battle royal between Sam girls and Dean girls. You guys know I'm a bit more of a Sam girl than a Dean girl, but I love them both and I try to be as fair to both as I can. I try to see both their points of view and understand why they act the way they do.

One thing is for sure, though. I'm glad that Dean told Sam at the end that he broke the first seal, that he has his blame in this too and that he apologized to Sam. I'm not going to dissect and analyze his words to death and say "oh he didn't sound like he meant it" or whatever. For now I'm just glad that he did it. It sounds like they are making baby steps. It's not going to be easy, but they are still at the beginning. Sam wants a more proactive role and doesn't want to be just Dean's little brother. It sounds like Dean will at least try to honor that. I bet it won't be easy, though. He's always looked at Sam as his little brother whom he always had to look after. But letting Sam grow up will show that he trusts him. We'll see what happens.

So yeah, I did like this episode. I really did. :)

ETA: Totally forgot to add that both boys looked SO hot tonight... I really wanted to pet Sam's hair on more than one occasion :D

supernatural: episode reviews, stargate: atlantis, paul mcgillion

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