It's been ages since I posted some art. I've been meaning to for the longest time, but just never got the chance. So now it's piled up and I have to bury y'all with it. LOL.
So what do I have here?
55 icons (Sam, Dean, Sam 'n Dean, John .... but mostly Sam ... from various S1 and S2 eps, S2 promo pics, and one or two from S4 up to 4x17)
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And the awkward header from It's a Terrible Life is hilarious - the looks on their faces, lol.
Love the Faildom thing as well - Sammy cries so well, but we must not make him cry! ;-)
Hee, I just loved that scene!
Anyone who makes the Puppy cry deserves to be part of Faildom ;)
Thanks for the kind words! I updated the post because I forgot to add a few things. Let's just say that if you're familiar with LOLcats, you'll understand these. :D
Thanks again! I'm glad you like them! :D
He needs to bring it back. I hope they make him look innocent in S5. Muwah. That'd throw us all off. Anyway jumping ahead. lalala lol Too much caffiene...I need to re-watch S2 again. ♥ it, especially Everybody loves a clown. one of my fav episodes even though i don't like clowns at all. they freak me out!
Hee... I'd totally love that :D Maybe if he comes back to us, comes back to the light, he'll look all sweet and innocent again and have the loverly Sammy Hair. *points to icon and sighs happily*
That ep is one of my favs too, I know a lot of people who don't like it, but I could watch it over and over again. I love the carnival setting (even though I don't like clowns either *g*) and the fact that Sammy looks so cute doesn't hurt either ;)
The Sammy hair we fell in love with hehe. Omg, this is gunna be the longest week ever! I want my Sammy centered episode now! lol.
*plays with the Sammy hair* lol, we've only got 2 days left but it still seems like forever doesn't it?
I met like one and he was in my class. I was surprised. I'm like oh wow...he knew about the writers too. I'm like YAY! See, I wanna meet Chad Lindberg. I know he goes to Eyecon all the time. Never been. *Tear* I'm missing out...
LOL. It soooo feels forever. I'll be stoked when it's Thursday. ♥ !!
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