Quilt bits

Sep 18, 2012 12:10

So this its the quilt that's been some twenty+ years in the making. If you're some sort of quilting purist, look away, because this is definitely function over form.

It started out as a lap quilting project, so all the squares are backed and quilted separately. You just leave a quarter inch or so unquilted around the edge to sew together, or you can use seam tape or something. I was going to hand quilt, and some of them are, but I got lazy/bored somewhere in there. Nothing fancy, just edge quilting on some of the design pieces. I was very unfussy about thread color, so the back is kind of...interesting.

My squares are so random that I realized I needed borders that would tie the quilt together while letting the squares show off. I have no idea where I came up with this design; it was a pain to match up. But whatever. So these middle bits are all quilted separately, sewn between the squares into rows, then a long quilted border piece goes between the rows. This is my center piece. Miss Mouse is off a dress I had as a toddler. Those are vintage stains, doggone it!

I have another row ready to add, but I'm completely out of the red/purple and blue for the long border. This isn't exactly a huge quilt, and one more row would make it actually better/more useful. Feh :( Well, I have plenty more scraps, maybe I'll find something "good enough". I haven't bought a single piece of fabric for this thing yet, I'm darned if I'm going to now. Can't wait for it to be done. I like piecing, I just can't be bothered with the while quilting thing. Not my cup o'tea.

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projects, crafts, via ljapp, simple joys

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