2013 Books

Jan 12, 2013 18:00

It should be noted that I did not make any goals with regards to how many, what types, or any other specific of books I read this year. After tracking for two years and seeing a pattern, I wanted to track without a goal (to beat myself up over) and see how it went. I know that I will finish the WOT series, read 3+ travel books and 3 text books towards my certification. That alone is 13 books, or roughly half what I average in a year. This is in addition to learning two languages. :P I don't think I need any goals in this category. :P

Today I finished A PATH OF DAGGERS by Robert Jordan. The content of the book itself is too mixed up in all the side emotions. It was amusing as I read through that I would do double takes as to "so X has happened, right?" only for X to happen within a few pages. I believe this is reread #5 of this particular book, at least.

I'm currently fighting the "I want to read the story straight through - no skimming/scanning" with "AMOL is out and sitting on a shelf in my house with my husband already done and lots of others too that might spoil it" also mixed with "I'm reaching the end of what Jim wrote alone*." That is one case of the feels. I have a feeling it is only going to get more complicated as time goes on.

It was interesting in how I totally misremembered the slog from Illian to Altara pushing back the Seanchan. I did see all the lead up to Faile and crew being captured by the Shaido. I made note of several foreshadowing that at this point has all been resolved (through TOM.) Basically, it was a good refresher even if this round I did not pick up on anything new or see anything from a new perspective.

*It should be noted that I like Brandon, love his own works, and feel he has done an exceptional job with finishing the series. I do not make that statement to detract any of the work he and the team put in or the gratitude I feel that they (namely, Harriett) did chose to complete the series.

2013, pod, wot, books, goals

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