2012 Books

Apr 29, 2012 15:14

1. DAUGHTER OF BLOOD by Anne Bishop
2. HEIR TO THE SHADOWS by Anne Bishop
3. QUEEN OF DARKNESS by Anne Bishop
4. LEGACY OF KINDS by C. S. Friedman
5. FLESH AND FIRE by Laura Ann Gilman
6. LORD OF CHAOS by Robert Jordan (reread)
7. HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins
8. CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins
9. MOCKINGJAY by Suzanne Collins
10. LORD OF CHAOS by Robert Jordan
11. INVISIBLE RING by Anne Bishop

Great goodness, it took me over a month to read LOC. Part of that is it's my (at least) sixth time through and I forced myself to read all of it - no skimming or skipping. That and life has been sorta busy.

I continue to be amazed as I meander through this re-read. The milestone events have so little page time, that it makes me wonder if it is my immersion in the fandom where these milestone events are replayed, reenacted, chosen for art pieces, etc that make them larger than life.

I also an reminded of details that again the fandom or marketing machine have fudged. For example, this past JordanCon I was reminded how irritated I am that everyone in art and cosplay has Mat's broad brimmed hat black. FOH states clearly Hadnan Kadere, whom Mat got the hat from, wore ALL WHITE. This would include his hat. That and for a drunken, loud, obnoxious Rand cosplayer - the Lord of Chaos wasn't Rand, it was Demandred. :P

Having a better idea of the whole story now (since there is only one book left to be published) it is easier to pick up on foreshadowing. Though there are still several items which we don't know are guns on the mantel or red herrings. Of course we know now that not everything will be answered or wrapped up - so some of the loony theories may never go away. For example, since Elayne's pregnancy is still fairly early to mid stages, I don't think we will see her give birth. A loony theory I heard at JordanCon while hanging outside with the smokers was that she will die in childbirth. I don't think we will find out if this is loony or not in the final volume.

A lot happened in CROWN OF SWORDS, and I'm struggling with my write up for TarValon.Net's A Road to A MEMORY OF LIGHT since the world's view of the White Tower and Aes Sedai changed so drastically in this book. Though it is very interesting to see how the pacing continues to slow, and how mega-events (milestone or just big) also slow with the pacing.

In a complete change of pace, my husband decided my next read should be Anne Bishop's INVISIBLE RING. I partially agree with his sentiments of the book; there was a strong mystery component to it that led a merry chase that had one guessing until the very end. The tropes were utilized multiple times within the story, so some things that should have been a surprise really weren't, but it was such a light, fun read that I didn't mind so much. It did border a bit on romance fluff, which irriated me - since it didn't have the hard kink the original trilogy did, instead it was lovey-dovey which nearly had me gagging. ;P It was a great quick read, literally taking me 2 days - although one of those was a weekend day. lol

Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to read next - especially since hubby keeps bringing home gifts from work to add to my To Be Read pile - that I ask his opinion what should be next. I didn't give him a choice this time, as I am super eager to dive into WEIGHT OF STONE by Laura Anne Gilman.

loc, cos, wot, 2012, books, foh

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