Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl Part 3/?

Jun 09, 2010 09:27

Title: Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl Part 3/?
Rating: PG-13 for now and forever just to cover my @$$ for some of my characters swearing like sailors.
Pairing(s): Iron Maven/Babe Ruthless, past Bliss/Oliver mentions, some Eva Destruction/Rosa Sparks and some Eva/Anything with a pulse
Disclaimer: I, Jessjessbinks, being of insane mind and slightly out of shape body do so solemnly swear that I shall never claim ownership to any materials referenced or paid homage to in this work of fiction. Namely: one book Derby Girl by Shauna Cross, one movie Whip It! based on aforementioned book, one band Juliette and the Licks the real life band of one actress in the aforementioned movie, or one song Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl from which my work of fiction takes its name.
A/N: If you haven't heard the song its not all that relevant but its good.
A/N Part Deux: This fanfic is based heavily on the movie, with certain book elements thrown in for good measure (and good Roller Derby names).
A/N Part Tres: Comments, concerns, questions, and general feedback are made of win!

"Fine, the shoes are a gateway drug" Chapter 1
"Safety is sexy!" Chapter 2

True to her word Maggie showed up graduation day to whisk Bliss and even Pash away to the party. Maggie and Riley even showed up to watch Bliss matriculate. Once the two graduates, or graduate and Valedictorian, shucked off their gowns and changed in to more party appropriate clothes they were off.

Last year when Bliss ran away she’d been a bit surprised that Maggie didn’t live in Austin. Maggie actually lived in the West Lake Hills which was half an hour away from Austin but was very close to furniture store where she worked. The same store which was inadvertently hosting the bachelorette party for Smashley. On the way to the party Maggie had said that her boss didn’t care if she had parties at the store so long as nothing was ruined. And previously ruined pieces made their new home in the mish mash decorating of Maggie’s home.

“The party isn’t for about an hour, you guys don’t mind helping set up, right?” Maggie asked throwing her fabulous VW Karmann Ghia in to park in the empty lot in front of the store. Bliss and Pash both made affirmative noises before the Hurl Scout captain threw the keys at Pash and said, “You mind taking Riles inside? He’s probably gotta go but I have to get some stuff from the trunk.

Bliss helped her captain grab some balloons with a variety of slogans, designs, and colors adorning the latex. One proclaimed ‘Happy Bat Mitzvah’ while another said ‘Happy Birthday Grandma’ and still another had the image of a unicorn emblazoned on its surface. Smashley would love them, Maggie claimed, before warning Bliss not to let the bride-to-be have too much fun with the helium inside the balloons.

Walking in to the store Bliss could only see light pouring from a doorway behind the checkout counter and guessed that’s where her friend and the little boy were. “Pash?” Bliss hollered in to the dark before shifting some of the balloons she was holding to flip on the light switch near her left hand.

Lights. Noise. People? Sound. “SURPRISE!” Bliss laughed once in shock before being the target of a very violent, tackle-like hug from Smashley. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUTHLESS” the constantly tipsy woman shrieked.

The entire Hurl Scouts team was present, even Razor. There were representatives of all of the teams except the Holy Rollers were present. But that wasn’t strange because the Holy Rollers were a tight team and if the whole team wasn’t going to a TXRD event none of them went. And if Bliss was a bit disappointed because she hadn’t seen Maven in over a week she said nothing about it.

Even if the party was inspired by Bliss’ eighteenth birthday the event became more about Roller Derby than the birthday girl, which was alright by said birthday girl. When they weren’t on the track most members of the TXRD got along pretty well. There were small personal rivalries within the group, unavoidable with so many competitive women, and there were friends who might be bitter enemies on the track but worked side by side everyday at work.

Bliss had comfortably ensconced herself in a plush leather armchair as Pash entertained herself and Riley on a rolling footstool. However Bliss nearly spilled a drink on herself when Smashley tackled her once more but this time picked up the smaller Hurl Scout to carry her across the store. The boisterous woman quickly dumped her load before standing looking very proud of herself.

“I thought you give presents at a birthday party, not give away the birthday girl. What gives Smash?” asked a voice as close to a purr as a human voice could get. Bliss’s head whipped to her left and was met with Eva Destruction’s predatory grin. “Ruthless,” Eva acknowledged with a nod that was as much a gesture as a convenient method to check out the girl who was nearly in her leather-clad lap.

“Thought you’d wanna sit with your girl,” Smashley answered, rocking back and forth on her heels. Smash never did like to sit still.

The icy blonde quirked an eyebrow. “My girl? You pimping out other Hurl Scouts now?” The silkily question held equal parts confusion and amusement. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Simpson, but I don’t go for jailbait. Although, now you are eighteen,” Eva let her statement trail off and she leveled a meaningful glance at Bliss.

In her time with the TXRD had given Bliss a new measure of confidence that beauty pageants never had. The old Bliss would have flushed, blushed, mumbled, and muttered before hightailing it away, the new and improved Bliss simply chuckled. “Thanks but no thanks,” was the reply, cool as a cucumber.

Eva didn’t seem phased by the rejection, merely shrugging and proclaiming, “There are lots of other fish in the sea.” With that Bliss got up to return to her own comfy chair. “Besides I want to be memorable because I rocked your world, not took your virginity.” The words were thrown at Bliss’ back but the brunette didn’t stop.

Glancing with a wry smile over her shoulder at the Black Widows captain Bliss shouted back, “I’m not a virgin!” But the moment she shouted this was one immediately following the highly unnatural lulls in conversation. Inside Bliss was blushing furiously for yelling that private information so loudly that the only people who didn’t hear her were the Manson sisters, but only because they were deaf and didn’t hear anything at all. But outwardly she didn’t bat an eye as she sunk back in to the leather throne.

Hearing the buzz of whispers discussing her lack of virginity and the fact that Babe Ruthless wasn’t fucking Eva Destruction, Bliss hadn’t know she was so popular a topic to gossip about, the center of a good many conversations looked back towards Smashley. For all intents and purposes it looked as if Smashley had been smacked in the face and still didn’t believe it.

Putting two fingers to her lips Bliss whistled shrilly in a skill she had not learned from a derby girl but, oddly enough, from Birdman. Upon getting Smash’s attention Bliss signaled the sugar rush on two legs back over to the Hurl Scout huddle. And as the other woman started to maneuver around furniture the lights in the entire store went out which was met with hoots, hollers, and a few screams. “What now?” Bliss asked, almost afraid of what answer she might receive.
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