
Nov 04, 2005 21:28

I saw Jarhead tonight... it was one of those movies, one of those movies that you really like but can't explain why. A thinking movie, definetly drilled into my brain even more how i could never be in a war or anything with the army.

Anyway, so I decided to make a list of some people that really mean alot to by describing them..and no names. OH and ps, just because #1 doesn't mean that you mean the most to me, as if you're the last one, it doesn't mean that you mean the least to me, I'm doing this off the top of my head so just deal.
  1. many jokes have been shared between us through the years and as the late I feel as though we don't have that much to talk about anymore... or maybe we just know each other so well that we really don't have to talk all that much anymore. besides we read each others lj's to keep in touch, right?! either way, you're still my brother and that will never change. besides, who else wouldn't rat you on for sneaking out of my house, and then make you tea afterwords. ha, anyway, it's really cool that we're applying to alot of the same schools, so hopefully it'll be easier to stay in touch if we go to the same school. dude, call me or email me or something sometime, i really miss our talks about nothing, yet about anything all at the same time.
  2. you. i love you. truely. you envoke this emotion in me that i never even knew that i posessed, and it scares me and excites me all the same time. i live for your hugs and i would die for your kiss, luckly i get them for free and don't have to do either of those things though. you're so easy to talk to, and your smile can fix any bad day that i had. *poke*. oh and by the way...I WIN.
  3. you're such a beautiful person inside and out, even if you don't always think so. you're so funny and you have a great sense of style. we always have the weirdest inside jokes and tend to just make the weirdest noises in the hallways and scare all of the non-weird people, haha. eventhough we joke around alot, we always seem to be able to have the deepest, intellectual chats ever. we just understand each other! oh sausy-saw. art wouldn't be the same without you, and neither would have gym been for sophmore and junior year, same with chemistry and bio, and any other random classes that we've had throughout highschool. stay cool loser.
  4. a few years ago we planned to take over the world, and we used our nicknames as secret code names, although i don't think that they're all that secret anymore since we put them down on our senior sheets! oh, and apparently now, we're engaged?! since when, and how did this happen. it wasn't until this year that i found out that the jackalope is actully a real animal, but that's been your nickname since freshman year, in our math class, when we would walk out of the trailers and always almost trip over the crack, good times good times. pop tart orgasm.
  5. we really are the same person when it comes down to it. as of the late, we too haven't really been talking as we used to. we really need to have that girly movie night, that we just never have had. college is going to an adventure when it comes to leaving you, because when i ever need to talk i know that you're just down the street, but now you won't be there...down the street from my dorm... ha. (unless we both suck at life and end up going to Rutgers). anyway, squigilyspooch ..what was the other word?

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