Apr 25, 2005 16:30
Life had been going realllllly good lately :) This weekend was BADASS!!! Friday had AN AWESOME TIME WITH EVERYONE!!! ;) But then my gay mom wouldnt let anyone spend the night or me spend the night anywhere so I had to come home at like 11*45 and just stay here..gagyagyay! I got alot of weird calls that night like from Bobby, Kevin, and Michelle each telling me something very interesting...haha Then at like 8*30 in the morning my little brother came in my room and was like "We are going to Ali's softball game" and I was like shit. Im tiredddd! So I had to get up and get ready bc all my cousins came in town! That was exciting! I got to babysit my four year old and two year old cousin while the rest of my family watched my sister play softball! Then everyone went to P.O.'s and it was hella good...I ate a cheeseburger in like .2 seconds! After that I came home and got ready for BUZZFEST!! Ahh it was so much freaken fun! I went with Matt, Britney, Cj, Randy, and Gavigan! All the bands were REALLY good..my fav. was Papa Roach! Everyone around us was smoking weed around us and it smelled really bad...and there were also VERY weird ass people there...I was like what kind of a world do we live in? There were alot of hot guys there so I was like drooling the whole time. We left around 10*30 bc we were tired, freezing, and hungrey! On the way home we saw a girl giving a guy roadhead..it was the MOST digusting thing in the entire world! Then Cj hung out the window and was like YEAHH MAN GOOD JOB I was like oh dear. Then she got up and they were driving like 100 miles to get away from us hahahha it was so funny! Also we went to Whataburgerrrr and the damn guy couldnt get out order right. Then I came home and Lisa spent the night...I was really tired. Sunday I woke up at like 12 and then Lisa had to leave for a soccer game so I went back to bed bc I was really tired! After that I woke up and went to the grocery store with my mom and got some damn good food for this week! Shyeahhh Today was alright...I was tired most of the day though! After school we had cheerleading practice and I did my layout ALLLLL BYY MYY SELFF! I was very very excited! And now Im drinking a banana smoothie and its really good and Im about to go and take a nap to get all my energy up for our LAST Younglife tonight! Sad..well yeahh I love youuuu!!