TONS of pics!

Nov 07, 2010 10:35

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? :)

Let's see what's been going on. New place, new position, new hair!

NEW PLACE - Drew and I finally moved out of Grand Cypress. Matt moved in with Elena in her house and Drew and I got a new apartment at this place called Linkhorn Bay. The move was...shall we say...stressful. Splitting things up, packing everything away, people doing it without the other being there, people not doing it at all, different ideas of how to leave the old apartment, etc. It was frustrating and there were some snappy conversations. There could have been a ton more fights though, so I'm thankful that there weren't any actual blowouts.
     We were able to decorate the new place too. No more white walls! WOOHOO!! I got to play with so much color! Yellow, purple, peach, blue, and green! I'll definitely have pictures up. For now, you'll all have to settle for the un-finished apartment pics. Just to get a grasp of the color:

PLEASE ignore the mess. We were still getting everything situated. But there's the yellow and the peach.

The bedroom's final color. We need something above the bed. Hm. I'll be looking for some art.

The other side of the bedroom, showing the shelf. We might change that later and put a chair for reading there. Add an overhead lamp.

Our dressers fit PERFECTLY in that little area by the door. We just need drapes now.

It's hard to see, but that's a very pale green (and our bookshelves, of course). This is the "Man Cave".

The other side of it - showing where his desk is. You can actually see the difference in color from the door and wall. Soon enough my desk will be in there too. << When we put it together / get it.

The hallway from the back to the front (living room). Those slightly open doors are where our ~fullsize~ washer and dryer are. :) And look at it! Yellow!! I love it.

Another shot of our (incredibly messy) living room. Soon the tv won't look so oddly tiny. We'll be getting an entertainment system soon. From Ikea! *Squee*!

Everyone say, "Hello, Drew!!"

There! You can see the awesome purple wall. :)

Aaaand, finally, the entry/exit way.

So, there you have it! I'll have better pics up soon, I promise. We're still getting everything together. We need a lot of final touches, but we just don't have the spare cash at the moment. And we're obviously living fine without them.
     And, you know, despite the bitchy reviews of the apartments, they've been pretty good so far. If I've had maitenance issues, they've all been taken care of - or at least looked at - within an hour of me calling. The only thing I'm nervous about is that on Monday or Tuesday, they'll be coming over when I'm not here and they have a habbit of leaving doors open and such. I'm stressing about Max getting out. So I'm going to be PLASTERING the walls with, "LOCK ALL DOORS. MAKE SURE THEY'RE CLOSED. WINDOWS, EVERYTHING. CAT IS INDOOR ONLY" signs.

NEW POSITION - So! There was an opening for what they're calling a Student Ambassador. I think the actual term that corporate is using is Student Representative. There were four openings, two taken already by my friend Adri (who deserved it more than anyone) and Chuck (who definitely deserved it as well). I was thankfully given two interviews and managed to grab one of the remaining spots along with a Financial Aid Officer, Christy.
     The position mainly consists of being the liason for every department, making sure students are not lost within the system, and to provide the students with an easy contact that will not only be able to summarize what they need to do next (or should be doing then), but to be able to transfer them to the correct person for a more in depth answer. Basically, while everyone else is calling to get shit done, we're their "friend". We try to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Like they belong and that it's ok to call if they're confused about something. We call just to see how they're doing, not shout deadlines at them.
     It's pretty awesome. :)
     AND! I got an actual office instead of a cubicle/pod! I only share with one person (Chuck) and he's a pretty awesome roomie. In fact (ignore the messiness of the desk), but here's a couple shots of my workspace:

Elena was surprising me during our work's Halloween event. xD

NEW HAIR - Not much to say on this one, so I'll just show you. :)

It's a MUCH darker red than it was before. Last time, it was just kind've a light brown. You can also see the new cut too! Bangs! I have actual bangs!

That's pretty much it for now. :) I'll have to update this thing more often!



Living room.

Sorry for the lighting. You can get a better idea of the colors without the obnoxious flash, but it can get a bit dark. ^^;

:) I love that purple.

Dining room. With our dvds slowly taking over the table. xD Also? I love that baker's rack.

Our tiny kitchen! That wall to the right won't look so plain once we put something there. Maybe a large mirror? I also kinda want a clock up on the wall.

The dining room again.

One side of our balcony! :D I want to prime the deck and add flowers. Make it all pretty, so we can sit out there with coffee and hot chocolate.

Trying to show how long the deck is. It's a wrap around, so you can get in both through the living room and dining room.

Trying to get a good show of all the colors. It looks a bit Easter-y, I know, but once we add some more stuff, it'll get a bit better. xD

Another shot of all the colors.

Another - trying to show the purple, yellow, blue in the bedroom (which has a glow, by the way) and green to the right in the Man Cave.

Our bathroom. If the little box wasn't so huge (or if we had another place to put it) I would want to get one of the shelving/cabinet units that frames the toilet.

A peek into the Man Cave.

A better look at it. Easier to see the green.

Oh? Is that someone sleeping?

He'll kill me if he finds out I posted this pic. :P

work, pics, moving, home

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