Originally published at
lianhua.nu. Please leave any
comments there.
I have a few blog entries that I’ve been working on, off and on, for the past few days, but I’m working with a bout of writer’s block. It’s a pain in the ass, to be quite honest. I have these great ideas but I just can’t get into writing right now!
So that’s why I’m going to call on you, my dear readers, and anyone else you want to send my way. Help me break through my writer’s block!
How can you help?
Well, that’s pretty easy, actually. You see, it’s a time-honored, ancient blogging tactic that tons of people have used throughout the centuries to break the block: Ask me some questions! I’ll happily answer them in a big, pretty blog post and link back to your blog when I do (yay free traffic!). Invite your friends, too! I don’t mind answering questions from perfect strangers! :)
I can’t really think of anything that’s off-limits in the realm of my answers, either, except maybe things that violate my privacy to an extent that I might be harmed (e.g. “what’s your address?” “can i have your credit card number?” etc). So, a little common sense is in order, but, other than that, pretty much anything goes.
So, ask away! :)