The past weeks hav been amazing…. the past 2 weeks hav been party weeekss....
Already told u bout mammoth but pix r posted finalllly…. Wow I love my girls… mammoth again in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
Last weekend-total of 1 hour sleep Friday-Sunday…. Friday- party hoppin with lp david ricchard vital Jordan jp Derek and more… Richards house… hyperness…. Laughin… girls drunk… live porn Saturday-work. Eliyahs birthday! Hookah with my girls elisha and mia… and dean and alex…. Met everyone ther… party… hotel…. Learned to play poker… drinking games… in and out… dennysxwow…. Llotttz of laughs… more drinmking games at 5 am… chillen by the pool Sunday-work and being sick cuz I was wayyyy tired
my luvs!
more pix on my celll…. No pix from… rollin around in the snow in our bikinis, sledding… snowboarding… etc…
i cant wait 4 the car rides up 2 mammoth and home.... those are the best....
p.s im happy…. Im happy because you make me happy…..