Yuletide 2019

Nov 04, 2019 18:41

Hello, author! It's that time again <3333

This letter (heavily cribbed from previous years) is about my general preferences - the specifics of what I'd be happy with for each request are attached to my sign up.

I have to have a happy ending. All else is negotiable, but I like to squee and sigh happily at the end of a fic. I can appreciate a poignant ending, but I would prefer not to.

I like tropes, including:
  • Outsider POV - I love this! Or, similar vein, POV from a one-off, minor character.
  • BAMF! characters and competence porn
  • Found family/TEAM
  • Loyalty kink - just the rock-solid sense that our favourite characters deep-down have each others' backs, trust
  • Aliens made them do it (Or sex pollen, or a weird aphrodisiac or sex-or-die(-or-wacky-consequences))
  • Someone is a fairy/vampire/alien/werecreature/immortal (and the other character(s) are cool with this/find it sexy)
  • Telepathy, mystic soul bond - including with animals (e.g. daemons, Companions etc.
  • Genderswap
  • Someone turns into a puppy. Or they adopt a puppy. PUPPIES. Go hard on the going soft.
  • Wingfic (Good Omens has been a big fandom for me this year....)
  • Someone loses a sense (temporarily!)
  • Clones/duplicates/selves from an alternate reality...
  • ...with whom they have sex
  • First time/getting together, OR
  • "We've been together forever we're practically (or actually) married, WE HAVE EACHOTHER'S BACKS" (equally applicable to a romantic relationship or the team-is-my-family relationships)
  • AU (coffee shop is a classic for a REASON), different time/place setting, fusion etc

Oh, and I really like kiss scenes. A beautifully written, toe-curling kiss can be better than the best ten-page sex scene.

That being said, if you want to pull out a full-on sex scene (romantic or kinky or OH THERE ARE TENTACLES, that's all good too!) I'm not huge on dom/sub dynamics, but they're good if done well. I think - the person submitting has to feel happy about it, not embarassed or condescended too. I'm trying to figure out what it is that turns me off - I think it's a dom knowing better than the sub? A 'I know what you want better than you do' vibe?

On my "oh HELL no" list:
  • Harm to a baby or child
  • Harm to an animal

On my "Hmmm, rather not" list:
  • Non traditional story telling chronology - I like beginning, middle, end in that order - in general. Sometimes it's carried off in a way that tickles my fancy
  • Death-fic, unless it's going to turn into a vampire or ghost type fic.
  • Stories where characters are being stupid because it's needed to advance the plot (I guess I have a "communicating like sensible human beings!" kink)
  • Things which trigger embarrassment squicks
  • Mpreg - or rather, mpreg is fine, but not when it turns into overly maternal stuff, the other-parent character being too overbearing in taking care of the other etc.
My fandoms:

I've got details in my sign-up, but I also did the sign-up two hours before they closed, and I don't know if I really managed to convey what I love about the fandoms.

Gideon the Ninth: this was such an enjoyable read for me. I loved the 'us against the world' dynamic, the enemies-to-friends(?!)-to-almost-lovers, the competence porn of both Gideon and Harrow being really good at what they do. I loved how they developed trust in one another and even when they hated one another they still knew each other so well. And Gideon - I just love that snark and banter!

Masters of Sex: Hands up who came to this show because they saw Michael Sheen in Good Omens? Yeah. I think the relationship between Bill and Virginia is fascinating - and of course the sex is scorching. I love Virginia keeping Bill in line, and his (hapless) attempts to Be a Better Human. I just wish that the characters communicated better and made good decisions! The scenes in the hotel rooms are the best - the claustrophobic intensity, the power plays, just the dynamic - it's all magic. (I mentioned I only watched to halfway through season 3 - I have read the Wikipedia summaries for future eps so no worries about spoilers etc!)

9-1-1: This show is my disaster procedural candyfloss. I love it with the same bit of my soul that used to love that Destroyed in Seconds show. Also, Buck is a terrible babysitter. Shipping wise, I dig Buck and Eddie - they just have CHEMISTRY. I'm also happy that Maddie and Chimney are pulling their acts together - if you wanted to write fic about Best Big Sister Maddie, I would also dig that!

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