Jun 25, 2004 17:38
yesterday i made myself a new address book and i am slowely filling it up, from my ever-growing collection of scraps of paper, old slingshots and journals, and envelopes you've sent me.
so, seriously. even if i hung out with you last week and you think i already have it, even if i haven't talked to you in a year, or even if i dont really know you outside of the internerd and you'd like to be my penpal...please email me your contact info- address, phone, email, etc...
because i am really trying hard to get better at keeping in touch with everyone i know, all the little pieces of my heart that are scattered all over the place...
xoxo jessika rae
applecidervinegar at hotmail dot com
you're email gets my address...and probably lots of zines and other goodies in the mail...
or you could just be resourceful and find out where to send me mail considering it