Muahaha, these random questions are funny. I stole it from Jess. Grr.. I'm such a poser!
The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
purdyriot have anything better to do?She's got a lot of stuff going on. But maybe...What kind of person would you set up with
blinkwon8etwo?Someone fun and random. Filled with awesome randomness.What was the last game you played with
djnaughty?Heads Up 7 Up? LOLWhat kind of book would
stue_pidassol and
cherrysnow jointly write?The art of dried flowers.What kind of underwear does
cillyphreak wear?Boxers, I'd say boxers.What is
beatboxrawk's favorite meal?Pizza??Did
nikkigiggles21 steal the cookie from the cookie jar?Nikki doesn't steal!Where do you think
gwildroudt is right now?God if I know?! I don't stalk people!What animal does
leftyfielder most remind you of?A cute mouse.Is
nanaboo evil?Hahahhaa, I'm sure she can be!If
shaggycfh and
jinxedchick were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?Shaggy.In what ways is
burningviolence smarter than you?His good choice of words / poetry.What's the last thing you said to
xfadedseasonsx?I'll wear my spandex for you tomorrow.What political beliefs of
iscariot_jess do you disagree with?I believe in God (not really political but that's the only thing I can think of) But I still love her and I don't judge her.What is the most embarrassing thing you know about
tiggerbecca?Hmm, I don't know much about her.How many licks would
_nightmares_win take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?He could do it in one! I'm guessing...What four adjectives best describe
hawthornehts?rockin' awesomeness pimpin' greatness Does
bassplayercp have a funny-shaped head or what?Yeah, he definitely does!If you had the chance to sleep with
megan182, would you?Oh yeah, I love her hair. I'd sleep with her hair for sure! LOL But she's taken..Do you envy
blancaster's job?I'm not sure he has a job... LOL If it was the last job I remember he had, I definitely do not!In what ways are you smarter than
_youthinasia_?I don't know. I don't know her. LOLWould
bri_zine be better described as a hero or a villian?Hero, definitely a hero. Hero to all women!Can
sugarmeblink become invisible at will?Unfortunately, yes....What happened the last time you and
screwjack1971 were hanging out together?We've never hung.....What does
acid_grave spend the most time doing?Being awesome with her anal love with ghosts.. :-P
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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