Dec 25, 2005 16:07
I realize I havent updated in i guess i can fill you all in.
My parents finally did get seperated. My dad moved out, and i have been staying with my mother. But my mother hates McDowell and its stupid-ness as much as the next person so she is moving to Asheville. my dad is moving back into the house and I will be staying with him. Words cannot express my Joy. o.O Yeah right.
I got to see my brother Jason yesterday. It was nice. They had this Christmas thingy at the prison, so I got to have my picture taken with him. It was sort of odd, but still nice i suppose. My other brother, Jaime, called me at 4 in the morning last night for me to open the door for him. I havent seen him, in quite some while. I've been spending time with him and his new gf alot lately. He's probably leaving tommorow morning.
Christmas is well..a very overrated Holiday. Im not going to complain, though. Im materialistic and I like my presents. LOL. Oh well. I got a record player that has a cd player, radio and tape player built into it. I love it. Ooh, oh. I think my favorite gift is the pair of jeans that my mom got me. 1. I really need new jeans and 2.(the best reason of all) they actually fit. Everytime i go jean shopping I cant find any jeans that fit, b/c no one carries my size. its about retarded. She also got me some uber cute undies, not that any of you really wanted to know that. Haha
uhm..I saw Travis at BiLo last night. *shakes head* I would have given anything to have not been there. To be with Michael..far far away. Speaking of Michael...I have never cared about someone so much. Im beyond happy. Everything just fits into place. Theres no drama, nothings wrong. I can talk to him, I can have fun with him..theres nothing to worry about. I swear, this is the one thing that I will not screw up. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.
Im trying to think of anything else worthwhile. Oh..I hate my grandmother. That is the one thing I never thought could be possible. The woman who is suppose to make you cookies, and give money, and knit and grandmother is nothing like that. Shes more like the devil or something. She ought to burn. If any of you have ever met my grandmother you would honestly feel the same. Oh..some distant uncle of mine or something lectured me on how it was un-christian to be a vegetarian. Which lead me to walk away and fix a Veggie burger. damn reverend..he can burn too. Gaw, im mean. I need to not. But i dont care anymore.
Im sure im forgetting something..but it doesnt matter. I need to not waste time and such. Merry Christmas you guys, enjoy your season of over indulgence. LOL.