Dec 29, 2008 23:07
Sometimes in my bouts of deep depression, I forget that I do have truly wonderful long term friends who will always be there. Tonight I met up with one of those friends who I haven't seen in so long it's ridiculous. We met working at Hallmark in Flagstaff in 97 (over 10 years ago holy shit!) and have been friends ever since. I've missed out on seeing her often because we live in different states now but also because I'm an idiot and hated myself so much at times I couldn't bear to face her or anyone else. I'm glad I'm slowly (but very surely) pulling myself out of that place. I love what my life is turning into. It's hectic, drama-filled and hard to keep up with but I wouldn't trade that for anything else right now. I suppose I just wanted to say thank you to all of my friends who stayed with me through all of that and who didn't then run away screaming. The ones who put up with the long silences, the random angsty entries or worse, the vague ones. I can be weird but you all are still here and that makes me feel so good. 2008 has been so good to me and I can't wait to see what 2009 will bring! It's going to be fabulous, I can tell! I don't think I've ever felt so alive and so optimistic for the future even as I see hard times to come in some ways. Life can be so hard but then you wake up one day and everything has changed and you didn't see any of it coming. I think that's the part I love so much about being alive, you just never know what turn your story is going to take next.
Anyway, it just feels good to have the sun on my face again.