I have a few more auctions up now so here's the link.
http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZredjbp5QQhtZ-1 /shameless promotion
Good god, I have a ton of things to wade through! So far, I've gone through all my jewelry and the nightmare that was my top dresser drawer and am slowly putting things up as I can. It's supposed to snow today so I'm going to run to the my storage and pick up a few boxes and then go to the store before it starts snowing.
I know that the Vanity Fair Tom Ford spread is old news but I finally got around to actually looking at it. I hate how Scarlett Johanssen is posed. To me, it looks awkward and far from sexy. Her neck just looks wrong. She does have the most gorgeous skin though. *is jealous* It's interesting that all the women are pretty much naked in the spread but the men are almost completely clothed and sometimes shown dominating women. I'm sure that a ton of things could be said about that but I just woke up and I don't honestly care that much because there was a gorgeous picture of my pretend boyfriend too. I'm shallow, I know.
Back to work.