For anyone who is interested in the layout.
Here is the link to it. It's really easy to customize and it has lots of neat extra stuff. It's really user friendly too! I love having all my links and tags right there. *hugs it* Okay enough of my geekery.
Benny is currently have digestion "issues" and so she's being a big grump. I think she's a bit constipated.
The best part is that when ever she doesn't feel good, she heads straight for my bed. This naturally means that I usually end up with all manner of lovely surprises up there. Blood, throw up and now kitty diarrhea. Fantastic! I'm just breathing in an out now though because if I evict her from my bed, she may go on the carpet or worse the couch! At least my bedding is washable and I have extras. I just like to know it's there before I flop into bed after a long day. I gave her some vaseline to help her pass it but it's difficult to get her to eat it. She won't lick it off my fingers so I have to be sneaky and smear it on her face or paws. *sigh* I'm sure she'll feel better soon and I can go back to just having to worry about kitty litter in my bed.
I'm reading
Ring by Koji Suzuki and I'm having a hard time empathizing with any of his characters. The protagonist is kind of wishy washy and boring. His friend is a serial rapist. His wife is okay but she barely gets a word in the whole time. The story has sucked me in though and I've gotten to a point where, for better or for worse, I have to finish. In fact if you are a fan of the movie, I'd recommed reading the book simply because they delve into how the tape was made. That was the one thing that bothered me about the movie. They gave you this fact that this tape had been made but didn't really root it in reality. The book does that and even makes it somewhat plausible to those that believe in paranormal activity. I'm not going to lie, I believe in ghosts and it's freaking me out. My mom thinks I'm nuts because the movie scares the living hell out of me but so far I've been able to sleep...but only with the lights on. I do recommend it but only if you can get past the rather obvious misogyny. Is that a culture thing? I haven't read any other contemporary Japanese literature.