Feb 20, 2006 00:00
1. Slept in your bed: - jeremy
2. Saw you cry: - jeremy
3. Made you cry: - um, someone on a movie...
4. Went to the movies with you: - jeremy
5. You went to the mall with: - jeremy and jolie
7. You went to dinner with: - jeremy and jolie
8. You talked on the phone with: - jeremy
9. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: - jeremy
10. Broke your heart: - i don't know...
12. Bought you something: - jeremy
1. Pierce your nose or belly? - neither
2. Be serious or be funny? - funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - skim
4. Die in a fire or drown? - drown? I dunno!
1. Simple or complicated? - both
2. Gay? - no
3. Hardcore? - no
4. Honest? - I try to be
1.Flowers or angels? - flowers
2. Grey or black? - black
3. Colour or Black & White photos? - black and white
4. Lust or love? - love
5. Sunrise or sunset? - sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles? - m&ms
7. Rap or rock? - rock
8.Staying up late or waking up early? - staying up late
1. Do you like anyone? - yes...
2. Do they know it? - yes...
1. Being hot or cold? - hot
2. Sun or moon? - sun
3. Winter or Autumn? - Autumn
4. Left or right? - right
5. Having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having 2 bestfriends? - 2 best friends
6. Sun or rain? - sun
7. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - chocolate
8. Boys or girls: - boys
What time is it? - 12:03 am
Name? - jessica
Nickname(s)- jess, jessie
Where do you want to live? - somewhere warm
How many kids do you want? - 2
What kind of job do you want? - teaching
Do you want to get married? - already did
1. Nervous Habits? - pacing
2. Are you double jointed? - no
3. Can you roll your tongue? - yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - yes
5. Can you cross your eyes? - yes
6. Do you make your bed daily? - yeah right
1. Which shoe goes on first? - i don't know!
2. Ever thrown one at someone? - probably!
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? - maybe some quarters, I rarely have cash.
4.What jewelry do you wear? - earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? - yes. GROSS!
3. Favorite ice cream flavour? - coffee
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your pantry? - 3
5. What's your favorite beverage? - lately it is lemonade
6. What's your favorite restaurant? - Grandma's
7. Do you cook? - not well.
1. How often do you brush your teeth? - twice a day
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part? - i usually just brush it. ha.
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? - almost constantly
1. Do you swear? - yes
2. Do you ever spit? - sometimes when I'm sick and don't want to swallow phlegm
3. You cook your own food? - sometimes
4. You do your own chores? - yeah...
5. You got laid today? - yup!
6. You like beef jerky? - yes
7. You like pepsi or coke? - coke
8. You plan on going to Uni? - 1/2 way done, and yes I will finish it one day soon
9. Are you happy with your life? - it's getting better.
10. You own a dog? - yes!
11. You spend your money wisely? - I'm starting to
12. You're always making new friends? - i wish
13. You like to swim? - yes
14. Have you ever gotten so bored you called a friend? - yes
15. You're patient? - depends on the circumstances
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex: - yes
2. Bought something: - yes
3. Gotten sick: - yes
4. Sang: - yes
5. Been kissed: - yes
7. Felt stupid: - yes
8. Missed someone: - yes
9. Got drunk: - no
10. Gotten high: - no
11. Danced crazy: - Jolie and I do silly dances almost every day.
12. Gotten your hair cut: - no
13. Watched cartoons: - yes
14. Lied: - yeah, I told Jolie we were out of apple juice because I wanted her to drink milk instead.
1. Wished you were the opposite sex: - not really
2. Snuck out of your house: - yes
3. Gave money to a homeless person: - no