I've put up a whole bunch of Sims for download which were not, previously up for download. Up at the
Download-a-Sprita post I added Fantine, Marie, Antoinette and Therese; at the
Download-a-Senrega post I've added Caroline, Daphne and Edwina. Feel free to download and use as many of them as you want. =)
As for when I can get an actual update ready... well, I've been in a Sims-playing lull for the last couple of weeks, which is to say I haven't been playing. A Sprita update is probably ages away, since I haven't even started taking pictures for one. A could churn out a Senrega update faster; I have about 20 pictures for the next post (25% of a standard update). Ah well, we'll see when an update gets posted!