ladyfuchsia has been leaving some very UN-subtle hints about my lack of LJ posting.
I proclaim innocence as my parents were first going through an "Age of Empires" phase, and have now returned to their "Starcraft" phase. This involves them sitting at the computer for roughly 5 hours in the evening yelling at each other about which aliens to kill and which strategy to employ first. I read my book. Or watch tv. And when they get off i'm too tired and go to bed. SOME of us start work at 8am and have been getting up at 5.30 to go for a walk/job (when they can be arsed).
And I can't access LJ from my comp at work 'cept in lunch break and lunch break is for lunch.
Well, here I am.
Did it not occur to you that I have NOTHING interesting to say. Of course I could sit here for a little while and dribble shit...but i think i've done about as much of that as i can for a little while.
Saw "Pirates" again today. With the girls. Hippie drove me. I loves my Hippie. Also saw it with the annoying one and her boy toy on Thurs night whilst Spammy was in Melboure with Mikey to see HOT ?French? cellist.
Have also had an ear infection for the last 4 days which has made me quite irritable and the anti-biotics my Doc gave me made me VERY sick, so I had to wait in the doctor's office for...oh, about...3 HOURS to get some more.
Made me very happy didn't it. And of course it was right in the middle of "Huck Finn" rehearsal which i'm sure Bec and Nick were VERY pleased with - especially as Pammy couldn't go either coz her number plates got stolen by some drunk little fucktards and she can't drive her car until she gets new ones. Sheesh. What is the world coming to, eh?