im a followerrr

Jun 30, 2005 23:38

Name the first 20 people you know that come to mind:
1. amanda
2. brittany
3. shaun
4. melissa
5. kristy
6. andrew
7. chris
8. george
9. jacqui
10. dave
11. justin
12. austin
13. fawn
14. jenna
15. jill
16. tayyor
17. brett
18. ryan
19. jesse
20. lisa

Then, fill this out according to the people you chose!!
1. Who is 8 going out with: no one that i know of.
2. Is 9 a boy or a girl: a girlllll
3. Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple: justin and brittany? i doubt it.
4. How about 18 and 4: ryan and melissa. hahahhaha
5. What job does 17 have? being mean to me. and mowing his lawn.
6. When was the last time you talked to 12: 3 days ago.
7. What is 6's favorite band: something really gangsterrr.
8. Does 1 have any siblings: a brother and a sister
9. Would you ever date 3: yessum
10. Would you ever date 7: i kinda already did?
11. Is 15 single: nopeeee
12. What's 16's last name: musick
13. What's 5's middle name?: leeeeeeee
14. What's 10's fantasy: me to go skinny dipping with him
15. Would 14 and 19 make a good couple:jenna and jesse. hey maybe ;)
16. What school does 20 go to? do they work?: clearview, and i dont think so.
17. Tell me a random fact about 11: he use to be my only love. now he gets with ugly girls :)
18. And 1: I NOVE HER TO DEATH <3333333
19. Have you ever had a crush on 16: nopeee. strictly friends.
20. Where does 9 live: i think in centre cityy
21. What's 4's favorite color: id have to say purple
22. Would you makeout with 17: haha yes. doesnt every girl want to?!
23. Are 5 & 6 best friends?: not at all. hahah
24. Does 7 like 20: i dont think they even know eachother.
25. Does 8 like 19: george isnt gay so i doubt it. well maybe as friends he doesss.
26. How did you meet 15?: 4th grade when i was friends with her sisterr.
27. Does 10 have any pets: i think a dog and maybe cats?
28. Have you ever given 3 a hug: yes a few.
29. Is 13 the sexiest person alive: fawn, of course.
30. Have you seen 6 naked: no comment.
31. Has 4 kissed 11: nopee
32. Where does 7 want to get married: no idea.
33. Does 17 like to masterbate: probably.
34. What should 12 stop doing: leaving me here and not taking me to SIC
35. What should 20 start doing more often: who knows.
36. Have you ever thought about 9 naked: nope sorry.
37. If you were with 18 right now, where would you go: no where. im mad at him.
38. Have you ever seen 3 drunk: hahah yes.
39. If you and 3 were the last people alive, would you reproduce: yes we would.
40. What's something strange that 7 does: carries brass knuckles in his pocket?
41. What celebrity does 8 look like: owen wilson?! hahah i dont know where that came from.
42. Does 10 remind you of anything: swimming pools
43. What do you love the most about 14: that we can talk about anything and shell understand.
44. Would 1 and 18 make cute babies: hahahahahh maybe.
45. What do 1 and 14 have in common: theyre both smart?
46. Has 2 ever seen you cry: all the time. we cry together alot.
47. When is 15's birthday: march 13th a day before mine =)
48. Has 5 ever liked 18: nope. strictly neighbors.
49. Does 2 have any hidden talents: she poops alot.
50. If you were hanging out with 5, what would you guys do: swim. eat kettle corn. make more dance videos. all the stuff we use to do!!
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